How to Add a SOAP Header

This article describes how to add a soap header to a downstream request using a script activity in an operation process. It's a simple process with four steps:

Step 1 - Define a Variable

On the Process Editor palette, use the A button to define a new variable name of type message. To match the script below, we'll call this new message variable newMsg.

Note: all adding a variable here does is to make the variable name available to other activities in the Process Editor.

Step 2 - Set the Invoke to use the new Variable

Edit the invoke and pick your new message variable as the input message.

Step 3 - Add a Script Activity before the invoke

Add a script activity before the invoke, and use the script below. This script creates a new normalized message, adds the new protocol (binding) header to the new message, and copies the content from the inbound message (normalized) to the new message.

// Create a new normalized message and add it as a variable to the process context
var newMsg = msgFactory.createNormalized();
// Get the input message and normalize it
var nm = processContext.getVariable("message").normalize();
// Add a protocol header to the new normalized message. The outbound binding will add this to the SOAP envelope when it sends it
newMsg.setProtocolHeader("{}DemoHead", "<demo:Demohead xmlns:demo=\"\"/>");
// Set the content of the new normalized message to the content of the input message

Step 4 - Preserve Binding Headers

Edit the operation, select Header Propagation, and set Preserved Binding Headers to all, or add the specific header you want to pass through the downstream binding in this list.