Policy Manager: Monitoring Data View Description

A description of the database view for Monitoring Data analytics.

Table of Contents

Usage Data

Usage data can be queried from the Policy Manager database using the USAGEDATA_VIEW. Each row represents one monitored (audited) message exchange.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
ID Integer Unique ID (primary key) of the record.
EVENT_ID String Unique GUUID of the record as reported by the container.
PARENT_EVENT_ID String GUUID of the parent record if part of a transaction.
CREATE_DTS DateTime Date/time the record was created in the DB.
REQUEST_DTS DateTime Date/time the exchange was initiated.
SERVICE_KEY String Key of the service in the exchange.
SERVICE_NAME String Name of the service in the exchange.
OPERATION_NAME String Name of the operation in the exchange.
CONTAINER_KEY String Key of the container reporting the exchange.
CONTAINER_NAME String Name of the container reporting the exchange.
CONTRACT_NAME String Name of the contract governing the exchange (if audited).
ORGANIZATION_KEY String Key of the service’s organization.
ORGANIZATION_NAME String Name of the service’s organization.
CLIENT_HOSTNAME String Hostname of the client initiating the exchange.
LISTENER_URL String URL the exchange was received on.
NEXTHOP_URL String Downstream URL the exchange was forwarded to.
CONSUMER_USERID String Id of the consumer identity initiating the exchange (if any).
ENDUSER_USERID String Id of the end-user identity initiating the exchange (if any).
TOTAL_RESPONSETIME_MSEC Integer Milliseconds spent before the exchange was completed by the container.
NEXTHOP_RESPONSETIME_MSEC Integer Milliseconds spent by the downstream service processing the exchange.
REQUEST_MSGSIZE_BYTES Integer Size of request message on wire in bytes (if audited).
RESPONSE_MSGSIZE_BYTES Integer Size of response message on wire in bytes (if audited).
REQUEST_NORM_MSGSIZE_BYTES Integer Size of the normalized request message in bytes (if audited).
RESPONSE_NORM_MSGSIZE_BYTES Integer Size of the normalized response message in bytes (if audited).
HTTP_VERB String Verb used if HTTP exchange.
HTTP_STATUSCODE String Status code returned if HTTP exchange.
IS_FAULT_BY_CONTAINER Integer 1 if container raised error, else 0.
IS_FAULT_BY_NEXTHOP Integer 1 if error received from the downstream service, else 0.
ERROR_CATEGORY Integer Error ID/code (if any).
ERROR_MESSAGE String Error message (if any).
ERROR_DETAILS String More detailed explanation (if any).
CUSTOM_FIELD String Used by custom extensions (if any).

Hourly Metrics

Hourly metrics can be queried from the Policy Manager database using the METRICS_HOURLY_VIEW. Each row holds the metrics for all exchanges completed in an hour period for a service operation that are governed by a single contract and collected by a single container.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
ID Integer Unique ID (primary key) of the record.
START_DTS DateTime Beginning time of the hourly metrics. The metrics are for the beginning time plus one hour.
TIMEZONE String Time zone used.
CONTAINER_KEY String Key of the container reporting the metrics.
CONTAINER_NAME String Name of the container reporting the metrics.
SERVICE_KEY String Key of the service the metrics are for.
SERVICE_NAME String Name of the service the metrics are for.
OPERATION_NAME String Name of the operation the metrics are for.
CONTRACT_NAME String Name of the contract governing all exchanges from which the metrics are calculated.
USAGE_COUNT Long Number of exchanges completed.
ERROR_COUNT Long Number of exchanges resulting in an error.
SUCCESS_COUNT Long Number of successful exchanges.
TOTAL_RESP_TIME Long Total time spent processing the exchanges in the hour.
MIN_RESP_TIME Integer Lowest time spent processing one exchange.
MAX_RESP_TIME Integer Most time spent processing one exchange.
TOTAL_SUCCESS_RESP_TIME Long Total time spent processing successful exchanges.
MIN_SUCCESS_RESP_TIME Integer Lowest time spent processing one successful exchange.
MAX_SUCCESS_RESP_TIME Integer Most time spent processing one successful exchange.
TOTAL_ERROR_RESP_TIME Integer Total time spent processing exchanges resulting in an error.
MIN_ERROR_RESP_TIME Integer Lowest time spent processing one exchange resulting in an error.
MAX_ERROR_RESP_TIME Integer Most time spent processing one exchange resulting in an error.
MIN_MSG_SIZE Integer Smallest request message in bytes.
MAX_MSG_SIZE Integer Largest request message in bytes.
REQ_MSG_SIZE Integer Sum of all request message sizes.
RESP_MSG_SIZE Integer Sum of all response message sizes.

Daily Metrics

Daily metrics can be queried from the Policy Manager database using the METRICS_DAILY_VIEW. Each row holds the metrics for all exchanges completed in a day period for a service operation that are governed by a single contract and collected by a single container.

Column Name Column Type Column Description
ID Integer Unique ID (primary key) of the record.
START_DTS DateTime Beginning time of the daily metrics. The metrics are for the beginning time plus one day.
TIMEZONE String Time zone used.
CONTAINER_KEY String Key of the container reporting the metrics.
CONTAINER_NAME String Name of the container reporting the metrics.
SERVICE_KEY String Key of the service the metrics are for.
SERVICE_NAME String Name of the service the metrics are for.
OPERATION_NAME String Name of the operation the metrics are for.
CONTRACT_NAME String Name of the contract governing all exchanges from which the metrics are calculated.
USAGE_COUNT Long Number of exchanges completed.
ERROR_COUNT Long Number of exchanges resulting in an error.
SUCCESS_COUNT Long Number of successful exchanges.
TOTAL_RESP_TIME Long Total time spent processing the exchanges in the hour.
MIN_RESP_TIME Integer Lowest time spent processing one exchange.
MAX_RESP_TIME Integer Most time spent processing one exchange.
TOTAL_SUCCESS_RESP_TIME Long Total time spent processing successful exchanges.
MIN_SUCCESS_RESP_TIME Integer Lowest time spent processing one successful exchange.
MAX_SUCCESS_RESP_TIME Integer Most time spent processing one successful exchange.
TOTAL_ERROR_RESP_TIME Integer Total time spent processing exchanges resulting in an error.
MIN_ERROR_RESP_TIME Integer Lowest time spent processing one exchange resulting in an error.
MAX_ERROR_RESP_TIME Integer Most time spent processing one exchange resulting in an error.
MIN_MSG_SIZE Integer Smallest request message in bytes.
MAX_MSG_SIZE Integer Largest request message in bytes.
REQ_MSG_SIZE Integer Sum of all request message sizes.
RESP_MSG_SIZE Integer Sum of all response message sizes.