GET /api/discussions
Returns a list of discussions that match specified filter criteria, in the form of a JSON object.
Note: Use this operation rather than GET /api/discussions (with Accept header of application/json) which returns the results in the form of an RSS channel.
Authorization Roles/Permissions: Must be logged in and have permission to view the requested resources. If the user is logged in but doesn't have permission to view certain resources, the operation works, but limited (or empty) results are returned.
This topic includes the following sections:
HTTP Method
Sample Request
Request URL #1
The example below shows a request for the discussion items relating to a specific API version.
Request URL #2
The example below shows a request for a specific discussion.
Sample request headers
Accept: application/vnd.soa.v71+json X-Csrf-Token_acmepaymentscorp: TokenID%3D8ed70a13-8469-11e8-b37a-b155e4eabeb8%2CexpirationTime%3D153...
Sample request body
Not applicable.
Request Headers
For general information on request header values, refer to HTTP Request Headers.
Header | Description |
Accept | application/vnd.soa.v71+json, application/vnd.soa.v72+json, application/vnd.soa.v71+xml, application/vnd.soa.v72+xml |
Cookie | AtmoAuthToken_{fedmemberid}={cookie value, which usually starts with TokenID}—The platform cookie. This is the Akana API Platform authorization token, and must be sent with every API request that requires login. For more information and an example, see Session cookies. |
X-Csrf-Token_{fedmemberID} | The CSRF prevention header; may or may not be required, depending on platform settings. See CSRF Prevention on the Platform. By default, the CSRF header is not required for GET operations and is required for all others, with a few exceptions relating to user login. |
Request Parameters
Parameter | Parm Type | Data Type | Required | Description |
DiscussionSubjectID | Query | string | Optional | The unique ID for the specific resource that a discussion relates to; for example, the AppVersionID, APIVersionID, GroupID, or a custom BoardID. Use this if you only want information about discussions for a specific resource such as an app version or API version. |
DiscussionType | Query | string | Optional | The type of discussion. No longer in use. |
RetrievingUserID | Query | string | Optional | The ID of the user retrieving the discussion information. |
IncludeAPIDiscussions | Query | boolean | Optional | Indicates whether API discussions should be included in the information returned. Default: true. If set to false, API discussions are excluded. |
IncludeAppDiscussions | Query | boolean | Optional | Indicates whether app discussions should be included in the information returned. Default: false. If set to true, app discussions are included. |
IncludeBoardDiscussions | Query | boolean | Optional | Indicates whether Board discussions should be included in the information returned. Default: false. If set to true, Board discussions are included. |
IncludeGroupDiscussions | Query | boolean | Optional | Indicates whether group discussions should be included in the information returned. Default: false. If set to true, group discussions are included. |
AuthorID | Query | string | Optional | The unique ID for the author of a discussion. If this parameter is included, only discussions created by this author are included in the results. |
ItemID | Query | string | Optional | The unique ID for a specific forum entry. |
Tag | Query | string | Optional | Name of a specific discussion tag, if information relating to only a specific tag is required. |
IncludeComments | Query | boolean | Optional | Indicates whether comments should be included in the information returned. Default: true. If set to false, comments are excluded. |
NumberOfComments | Query | integer | Optional | The number of comments to be returned (if IncludeComments is not set to false). Default value: 2. |
count | Query | integer | Optional | The number of results to be returned, from the specified starting point. If not specified, all matching results are returned. |
IncludeSelfAuthored | Query | string | Optional |
Indicates whether resources authored by the requestor should be included. Default: true. |
PublishedState | Query | string | Optional |
Indicates that only resources in a specific state should be returned. Valid values: published or unpublished. Default: published, indicating that only resources that have been published are returned. |
If successful, this operation returns HTTP status code 200, with information about discussions.
Sample Response
The sample response below shows successful completion of sample request #1.
Sample response headers: application/vnd.soa.v71+json
Status Code: 200 OK Content-Type: application/vnd.soa.v71+json Expires: Mon, 11 May 2015 16:19:05 GMT
Sample response body: application/vnd.soa.v71+json
{ "Discussion":[ { "DiscussionID":"063fe661-a74f-40d2-a242-9d49ec426e81.acmepaymentscorp", "DiscussionSubjectID":"ecbf7010-abcf-41f8-9f52-1c02b3a51984.acmepaymentscorp", "DiscussionType":"com.soa.discussion.type.comment", "Topic":"Call for feature requests ", "Content":"We are planning for our next release. Feature requests welcome! \n\n\n\nCash prizes for the first five suggestions that we use!", "UserID":"8dba2d85-1108-417f-ad81-7a369e9e5d79.acmepaymentscorp", "Created":"2015-05-11T20:29:53Z", "Comments":0, "Marks":0, "IsMarked":false, "Visibility":"Limited", "PubDate":"2015-05-11T20:29:53Z", "CommentsPreview":{ "Count":0, "Comment":[ ] }, "Action":[ { "value":"discussion.action.delete", "label":"discussion.action.delete" } ], "Link":"../acmepaymentscorp#/forum/discussions/063fe661-a74f-40d2-a242-9d49ec426e81.acmepaymentscorp/details", "AuthoringUser":{ "UserID":"8dba2d85-1108-417f-ad81-7a369e9e5d79.acmepaymentscorp", "Name":"JaneMead", "Image":{ "Url":"http://{hostname}/api/users/8dba2d85-1108-417f-ad81-7a369e9e5d79.acmepaymentscorp/avatar", "Title":"JaneMead", "Link":"#/users/8dba2d85-1108-417f-ad81-7a369e9e5d79.acmepaymentscorp/details" } }, "TargetResources":{ "TargetResource":[ { "Name":"ACME Payments API", "ID":"2f8d7e07-d23c-4f28-9129-02163c032bc7.acmepaymentscorp", "Type":"api" }, { "Name":"1.0", "ID":"ecbf7010-abcf-41f8-9f52-1c02b3a51984.acmepaymentscorp", "Type":"apiversion" } ] }, "Image":{ "Url":"http://{hostname}/api/users/8dba2d85-1108-417f-ad81-7a369e9e5d79.acmepaymentscorp/avatar" }, "Published":true, "DescriptionMediaType":"text/markdown", "BoardItemArtifacts":{ "BoardItemArtifact":[ { "ContextID":"063fe661-a74f-40d2-a242-9d49ec426e81.acmepaymentscorp", "FileName":"img_dollars.jpg", "BaseUri":"http://{hostname}", "UriPath":"/api/boards/items/063fe661-a74f-40d2-a242-9d49ec426e81.acmepaymentscorp/img_dollars.jpg" } ] } } ] }
Response Headers
For general information on response header values, refer to HTTP Response Headers.
Header | Description |
Content-Type | application/vnd.soa.v71+json, application/vnd.soa.v72+json, application/vnd.soa.v71+xml, application/vnd.soa.v72+xml |
Response Body
Name | Type | Description |
Discussions | Discussions | Contains information about one or more discussions. |
Error Codes/Messages
If the call is unsuccessful an error code/message is returned. One or more examples of possible errors for this operation are shown below.
Item | Value |
401 | Unauthorized. For example, you would get this response if you didn't include the custom X-Csrf-Token_{fedmemberID} header in the request, when it was required by the platform settings; or if you included an invalid or expired value for this header. You would also get this response for any operation that requires login (almost all) if the login cookie was missing. |
500 | An error occurred processing the call. |
More information about Akana API Platform API error messages.