Models Service: Overview

Provides operations that allow you to manage model objects defined for an organization on the platform, including creating, updating, deleting, and listing model objects, model versions, and schemas.

Note: to get a list of models, use the Search API. For an example, see GET /api/search—Sample response #3: Models List.

URL: https://{hostname}/api/models

Action Endpoint Description
createModel POST /api/models Adds a model object for the business organization.
create version POST /api/models/{ModelID}/versions Creates a new version for a model object defined for the business organization.
delete model DELETE /api/models/{ModelID Deletes the specified model object for the business organization.
delete schema DELETE /api/models/versions/{ModelVersionID}/schema Deletes the schema for the specified model object version.
delete version DELETE /api/models/versions/{ModelVersionID} Deletes the specified model object version.
execute workflow action POST /api/models/versions/{ModelVersionID}/action Executes a workflow action on the specified model object.
get model GET /api/models/{ModelID} Includes information about a model object defined for an organization.
get schema GET /api/models/versions/{ModelVersionID}/schema Returns information about the schema for the specified model object version.
get version GET /api/models/versions/{ModelVersionID} Returns information about the specified model object version.
list model versions GET /api/models/{ModelID}/versions Returns information about the versions for the specified model.
read file details POST /api/models/readfiledetails Reads the contents of a schema definition file to the Dropbox, and returns a list of models defined in the schema.
update model PUT /api/models/{ModelID} Updates an existing model object for the business organization.
update schema PUT /api/models/versions/{ModelVersionID}/schema Updates information about the schema for the specified model object version.
update version details PUT /api/models/versions/{ModelVersionID} Updates information about the specified model object version.