Review Object

Includes information about a review in the Akana API Platform.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the Review object are listed below.

Property Type Description
ReviewID string The unique ID for a specific review.
ReviewSubjectID string

The unique ID for the resource being reviewed; for example, an App ID.

When adding a review, this value is required. Once the review is created, it cannot be changed.

Topic string The topic of the review, as specified by the user who wrote the review.
Content string The content of the review.
UserID string

The unique ID for a specific user.

It is the UserID for the author of the review.

UserName string The username of the author of the review.
Created dateTime The date/time stamp when the resource was first created. Used only in response messages.
Comments integer The number of comments on the review.
Marks integer The number of marks on the resource.
IsMarked boolean Indicates whether there are any marks on the resource or not.
Rating integer A numeric rating value (1-5, with 1 being the worst rating and 5 the best).
Visibility string The visibility setting for this resource. For a list of valid values, see Visibility Settings.
PubDate dateTime The date the review was published.
Published boolean Indicates whether the review is published.
Link string A link to the review.
AuthoringUser AuthoringUser Contains information about the author of a resource.
Image Image Contains information about an avatar associated with a resource.
DescriptionMediaType string Indicates the media type for the description of an artifact associated with a Board item. Valid values: text/markdown (the default if platform settings support markdown) or text/plain (the default if markdown is not supported).
BoardItemArtifacts BoardItemArtifacts Contains information about an image or other artifact associated with a Board item. Applicable only if the DescriptionMediaType for the Board item is text/markdown.