Model Object

Contains information about a model object defined at the organization level.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the Model object are listed below.

Property Type Description
ModelID string The unique ID for a model object defined for a business organization.
Name string Name of the model object.
Description string Description of the model object.
Summary string Summary description of the model object, if applicable.
ModelCategory string Category that the model object is assigned to.
LatestVersionID string The ID for the latest version of a versioned resource that's available to the requesting user.
Tag string[ ] One or more user-defined tags assigned to the model object.
Visibility string The visibility setting for this resource. For a list of valid values, see Visibility Settings.
Created dateTime The date/time stamp when the resource was first created. Used only in response messages.
Updated dateTime The date/time stamp when the resource was last updated. Used only in response messages.
State string The state value for the model object; for example, For valid values, see Model State values.
BusinessID string

The unique ID for a specific business organization on the platform.

It is the BusinessID for the business that the model object is defined for.

Links Links[ ]

Contains information about links relating to a resource on the platform.

One or more links applicable to the model object.

ModelVersion ModelVersion Contains information about a version for model objects defined at the organization level.
ModelVersions ModelVersions Contains information about versions for model objects defined at the organization level.
TargetResources TargetResources Contains information about one or more resources associated with the current resource. Used only in response messages.