GET /api/users/{UserID}/board

Returns a list of Board items for the specified user.

Authorization Roles/Permissions: Must be logged in. Self (logged in) or Site Admin (for any user).

This topic includes the following sections:

HTTP Method




Sample Request

Request URL #1

Returns only group member requests.


Request URL #2

Returns only the Board item that matches the specified ItemID.


Sample request headers

Accept: application/json

Sample request body

Not applicable.

Request Headers

For general information on request header values, refer to HTTP Request Headers.

Header Description
Accept application/json, text/xml, application/vnd.soa.v71+json, application/vnd.soa.v71+xml, application/vnd.soa.v72+json, application/vnd.soa.v72+xml, application/vnd.soa.v80+json, application/vnd.soa.v80+xml, application/vnd.soa.v81+json, application/vnd.soa.v81+xml
Cookie AtmoAuthToken_{fedmemberid}={cookie value, which usually starts with TokenID}—The platform cookie. This is the Akana API Platform authorization token, and must be sent with every API request that requires login. For more information and an example, see Session cookies.
X-Csrf-Token_{fedmemberID} The CSRF prevention header; may or may not be required, depending on platform settings. See CSRF Prevention on the Platform. By default, the CSRF header is not required for GET operations and is required for all others, with a few exceptions relating to user login.

Request Parameters

Parameter Parm Type Data Type Required Description
UserID Path string Required The unique ID for a specific user.
ItemType Query string[ ] Optional A filtering parameter, specifying one or more board item (forum entry) types to be returned, such as an alert, discussion, or ticket. For valid values, see Board Item Types.
DiscussionType Query string Optional The type of discussion. No longer in use.
APIID Query string Required The unique ID for a specific API.
TicketLabel Query string Optional A filtering parameter: if specified, only tickets with that label are returned. If not specified, no filter is applied. For valid values, refer to Ticket Label Values.
TicketState Query string Optional A filtering parameter: if specified, only tickets of that state are returned. For valid values, refer to Ticket State Values.
AppID Query string Optional If specified, only board items relating to that app are returned. If not specified, items relating to all apps are returned.
ItemID Query string Optional

The unique ID for a specific forum entry.

If specified, results are limited to items relating to that item ID. If not specified, no filter is applied.

Tag Query string Optional

A user-defined tag.

If specified, results are limited to resources relating to that tag. If not specified, no filter is applied.

IncludeComments Query boolean Optional Indicates whether comments should be included in the information returned. Default: true. If set to false, comments are excluded.
NumberOfComments Query integer Optional The number of comments to be returned (if IncludeComments is not set to false). Default value: 2.
IncludeActions Query boolean Optional Indicates whether workflow actions currently valid for the resource should be included in the results. Default: true. For valid workflow actions, see Workflow Actions.
IncludeCommentActions Query boolean Optional Indicates whether workflow actions currently valid for a comment on the board should be included in the results. Default: false. For valid workflow actions for comments, see Comments: Valid Workflow Actions.
start Query integer Optional An index number indicating the starting point for the results to be returned. If not specified, results start at position 0, the first result.
count Query integer Optional The number of results to be returned, from the specified starting point. If not specified, all matching results are returned.
SortBy Query string Optional An optional parameter allowing users to sort results by a specific value; for example, com.soa.sort.order.updated sorts with the most updated entries first. For valid values, see Sort By Values. If not specified, items are returned in the sort order of DescendingDate, which means that the most recent items are first.
IncludeSelfAuthored Query string Optional

Indicates whether resources authored by the requestor should be included.

Default: true.

PublishedState Query string Optional

Indicates that only resources in a specific state should be returned. Valid values: published or unpublished.

Default: published, indicating that only resources that have been published are returned.


If successful, this operation returns HTTP status code 200, with the requested Board items for the specified user. The information is sent as an RSS channel in JSON or XML format.

Sample Response

The sample response below shows Board items that match the parameters specified in Request URL #2. Only the Board item that matches the specified ItemID is returned.

Sample response headers: application/json

Status Code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 00:28:30 GMT

Sample response body: application/json

  "channel" : {
    "title" : "User Board",
    "startIndex" : 0,
    "itemsPerPage" : 0,
    "item" : [ {
      "title" : "Membership cancellation",
      "description" : "Membership is cancelled",
      "category" : [ {
        "value" : "GROUP_MEMBER_REQ",
        "domain" : ""
      }, {
        "value" : "true",
        "domain" : ""
      } ],
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "group_member_req11039.acmepaymentscorp"
      "pubDate" : "2012-05-25T04:07:56.000Z",
      "AuthoringUser" : {
        "ID" : "6824eb45-a84f-44a8-9fb4-5a0a0410dd2c.acmepaymentscorp",
        "Name" : "melgm",
        "Image" : {
          "Url" : "https://{hostname}/api/users/6824eb45-a84f-44a8-9fb4-5a0a0410dd2c.acmepaymentscorp/avatar",
          "Title" : "melgm",
          "Link" : "#/users/6824eb45-a84f-44a8-9fb4-5a0a0410dd2c.acmepaymentscorp/details"
      "Image" : {
        "Url" : "https://{hostname}/api/users/6824eb45-a84f-44a8-9fb4-5a0a0410dd2c.acmepaymentscorp/avatar",
        "Link" : "#/user/6824eb45-a84f-44a8-9fb4-5a0a0410dd2c.acmepaymentscorp/details"
      "CreatedDate" : "2012-05-25T04:07:56.000Z",
      "Marks" : {
        "Count" : 0,
        "IsMarkedByReader" : false
      "CommentsPreview" : {
        "Count" : 1,
        "Comment" : [ {
          "CommentID" : "comment11040.acmepaymentscorp",
          "CommentSubjectID" : "group_member_req11039.acmepaymentscorp",
          "Content" : "melgm cancelled the membership request",
          "Created" : "2012-05-25T04:07:56Z",
          "Marks" : 0,
          "IsMarked" : false,
          "UserID" : "6824eb45-a84f-44a8-9fb4-5a0a0410dd2c.acmepaymentscorp",
          "UserName" : "melgm",
          "AvatarURL" : "https://{hostname}/api/users/6824eb45-a84f-44a8-9fb4-5a0a0410dd2c.acmepaymentscorp/avatar"
        } ]
      "EntityReference" : {
        "Title" : "melgm",
        "Guid" : "6824eb45-a84f-44a8-9fb4-5a0a0410dd2c.acmepaymentscorp",
        "Category" : [ {
          "value" : "user",
          "domain" : ""
        } ]
    } ]
  "version" : "1.0"

Response Headers

For general information on response header values, refer to HTTP Response Headers.

Header Description
Content-Type application/json, text/xml, application/vnd.soa.v71+json, application/vnd.soa.v71+xml, application/vnd.soa.v72+json, application/vnd.soa.v72+xml, application/vnd.soa.v80+json, application/vnd.soa.v80+xml, application/vnd.soa.v81+json, application/vnd.soa.v81+xml

Response Body

The response body is in the form of an RSS channel, and includes the items listed below. The RSS version is 1.0. The title of the RSS Channel is User Board, and the channel includes paging values: StartIndex, TotalResults, and ItemsPerPage. Each item in the RSS channel represents a Board item, and includes the information below.

Name Description
title The text title of the Board item.
description Descriptive text for the Board item.
category[ ]

An array of sets of two name/value pairs, each including Value and Domain, with a value for each. For example:

"value" : "false",
"domain" : ""

The example above indicates that the Board item is not archivable.

GUID GUID for the Board item.
pubdate The date/timestamp when the information was generated.

Information about the user who authored the Board item, including:

  • ID: the unique UserID
  • Name: The user's name as it appears in the platform
  • Image: Information about the user's image, including URL, Title, and Link
Image Information about the image for the resource that the Board item is associated with, including URL and link.
CreatedDate The date/timestamp when the information was generated.
Marks Information about marks on the Board item, including a numeric count and a boolean value, IsMarkedByReader, indicating whether the current user (if a user is logged in) marked the Board item.
CommentsPreview Information about comments on a Board item such as a ticket or discussion, including a numeric count and the two most recent comments.

An array of one or more entity references for the Board item. Each includes:

  • Title
  • GUID: the unique ID for the item.
  • Category[ ]: An array of sets of two name/value pairs, each including Value and Domain, with a value for each

Error Codes/Messages

If the call is unsuccessful an error code/message is returned. One or more examples of possible errors for this operation are shown below.

Item Value

Unauthorized. For example, you would get this response if you didn't include the custom X-Csrf-Token_{fedmemberID} header in the request, when it was required by the platform settings; or if you included an invalid or expired value for this header. You would also get this response for any operation that requires login (almost all) if the login cookie was missing.

You would also get this response if you hadn't completed login before running the operation, or if you had the wrong UserID.

500 An error occurred processing the call.

More information about Akana API Platform API error messages.