Admin Console Features List

Learn about the options available on the Available Features list and/or the Installed Features list, in the redesigned Admin Console user interface in 2024.1.

Valid in Version: 2022.1.0 and later

Table of Contents


During the installation process, when you open the Admin Console user interface for the first time, go to the Available Features list and choose the features you want to install.

In a few cases, an option only appears on the Available Features list if a separate installation ZIP file is installed. Those instances are noted below.

This document includes:

  • An example of the Available Features list.
  • An example of the Installed Features list.
  • A full list of feature options.
  • In some cases, links to additional information about the feature.

Note: Most features were available in earlier versions of the product. Some of the documentation files include navigation instructions and screen captures for earlier versions of the product. In the Admin Console you should easily be able to locate the same feature in either user interface.

Available Features tab

An example of the Available Features list is below.

Admin Console, 2022.1.0: Features > Available Features

To quickly locate a specific feature on the list, use the Search bar. See Locating features on the list.

Installed Features tab

As you install features, they are no longer on the Available Features list. Instead, you can see them on the Installed Features tab. An example is shown below.

Admin Console, 2022.1.0: Features > Installed Features

Full list of features

The table below includes a full list of features and their descriptions. In the Admin Console, depending on whether the features are installed or not, they might be displayed on the Available Features list or the Installed Features list. In some instances, features only appear on the list if a separate installation ZIP file is applied. The third column in the table indicates the ZIP file that makes these features available.

To quickly locate a specific task on the list in the Admin Console user interface, use the Search bar.

Note: The list below is alphabetical.

Feature Description ZIP
8.2 to 8.4 model upgrade Upgrades Policy Manager database objects from version 8.2 to version 8.4.Only install into a 8.2 version Policy Manager container. Only needs to be installed into a single Policy Manager container for execution once. API Plat
Admin Console Akana Administration Console. Provides a browser-based user interface that allows an administrator to create, configure, and manage Akana containers. Accessible at context path `/admin`. Installed by default. Plat
Admin Console New Akana Administration Console. Provides a browser-based user interface that allows an administrator to create, configure, and manage Akana containers. Accessible at context path `/admin/ui`. Installed by default. Plat
Admin Monitoring Tool Adds a tab to the original Admin Console to allow real-time monitoring of status variables published by system components. Examples of important status variables: system memory consumption, the state of transport connection and thread pools, and database connection pools. The status variables available in a specific container are determined by the features installed in the container. Install into a container with the Admin Console. Not required for Admin Console New. Plat
API Platform ND Extensions Adds support for API Platform security policies and end-user authentication to Network Director. Install into the Network Director container. API Plat
API Platform Plug-In Adds Community Manager extensions to other features where they are needed. For example, it adds API-specific contract authorization logic to the Security Services feature, Community Manager token authentication logic to Policy Manager RESTful services in the Management Services feature, and OAuth application support to the OAuth Provider feature. Install into the Policy Manager container. API Plat
API Platform Repository Enables Extended Properties and Workflow feature for APIs, Apps and Users within Community Manager. Install into the Community Manager container. API Plat
CA SiteMinder Security Provider Adds security integration with CA SiteMinder. Should only be installed in the containers where the Akana Policy Manager Services and Akana Policy Manager Console are installed. Option Packs
CA SiteMinder Security Provider UI Provides the identity system configuration wizard for the security integration with SiteMinder. Install into the container with Policy Manager Console. Option Packs
Community Manager Includes the complete Community Manager developer portal, including the APIs that can be used by applications to integrate with Community Manager. Can be on the same container as the Policy Manager services feature or a separate container, but must be configured to use the same database. API Plat
Community Manager DevOps Theme Provides the DevOps Theme for Community Manager. Install into the Community Manager container. API Plat
Community Manager OAuth Provider Supports the OAuth Provider feature in Community Manager. Install into the Community Manager container. API Plat
Community Manager Platform APIs Deploys Community Manager platform APIs. Install into the Community Manager container. API Plat
Community Manager Policy Console Provides Policy Manager Console extensions supporting Community Manager security policies for application and end-user authentication. Must be installed with Policy Manager Console. API Plat
Community Manager Scheduled Jobs Enables Community Manager scheduled jobs on the container. Install into a standalone Scheduled Jobs container. Can be installed into Community Manager container for non-production environments. API Plat
Delegate Access Point Provides a remote interface to delegates for policy implementation and message delivery. Any delegate that does not provide its own policy implementation and message delivery mechanism can route messages through the Access Point. Customers should not install this unless directed to do so by Akana. Install on a container that does not have native delegate support. API Plat
Elasticsearch Log Appender Adds the capability to write container log events to Elasticsearch via a Log4j appender. Install into all containers where this capability is desired. Option Packs
Envision Access Control Provides an analytics data filter restricting access to users with the Monitor permission. Install into the Community Manager container. Analytics Plug-In
Envision Console Extensions Provides the capability to direct the collection of metrics for Envision. It also includes configuration for the business metrics policies. Install into the Policy Manager container. Analytics Plug-In
Envision Metrics Collector Provides metrics collection for Envision. Install into containers with Network Director and Policy Manager Services. Analytics Plug-In
Envision Service Extensions Connects business metric data collection policies with Envision. Install into the container with Policy Manager Services. Analytics Plug-In
Envision UI Provides the Envision web user interface (UI). Install standalone or into the Community Manager container. Analytics Manager
External Keystore Allows a container to use an external keystore for managing PKI keys and certificates instead of the default Policy Manager keystore. Install into all containers where external keystore functionality is required. API Plat
FreeMarker Activity Runtime Provides FreeMarker message processing to facilitate message normalization. Install into the Network Director container. Option Packs
FreeMarker Activity UI Provides support to the FreeMarker Message process activity by facilitating the normalization of a message in the process. For this feature, install FreeMarker Activity UI, Policy Manager Console, and Community Manager User Interface into the same container. Option Packs
GraphQL Management Support Allows managing of GraphQL endpoints. Install into the Community Manager container. API Plat
GraphQL Runtime Support Support for GraphQL endpoints. Install into Network Director containers. API Plat
Header Activities Runtime Provides support for the Map Headers and Manage Headers process activities, which facilitate the addition, removal, and copying of transport and binding headers in the process. Install into the Network Director container. Option Packs
Header Activities UI Provides support for the Map Headers and Manage Headers process activities, which facilitate the addition, removal, and copying of transport and binding headers via the Process Editor. Install into the container with Policy Manager Console. Option Packs
Kafka Management Support Allows Policy Manager to consume metric information from Network Director via Kafka. Install into the Policy Manager container. API Plat
Kafka Runtime Support Allows channeling of metric information from Network Director to the Policy Manager metrics database via Kafka. Install into the Network Director container. API Plat
Kerberos Impersonation Enables Kerberos constrained delegation/impersonation. Install into the Network Director container. API Plat
Lifecycle as a Service (LaaS) Provides the ability to configure a custom workflow for certain objects in Community Manager with custom forms to collect properties. Assists with the exchange of information between Community Manager and Lifecycle Manager. Install into the Community Manager container. API Plat
Lifecycle as a Service (LaaS) Add-On Scheduled Jobs Enables Lifecycle as a Service (LaaS) Add-On scheduled jobs on the container. Install into Scheduled Jobs container. API Plat
Lifecycle Coordinator Lifecycle Coordinator for the Akana Platform. Install into a container that has network connectivity to the Community Manager containers that are part of the Lifecycle Coordinator topology. API Plat
Lifecycle Repository Provides metadata repository and configuration services. Install into the Community Manager container. API Plat
Management Services Provides the Policy Manager system services. Used for multi-container deployments, and is also installed as part of the Policy Manager Services feature (for single-container deployments) along with Security Services and Scheduled Jobs. API Plat
Master Router Provides write routing to a designated master container. Customers should not install this unless directed to do so by Akana. Install into all Community Manager containers. Option Packs
MongoDB Support Provides connectivity to a MongoDB instance for NoSQL persistence requirements, such as, analytics and OAuth grants. Install into all containers that requires connectivity to MongoDB. Typically these containers would be Network Director, Policy Manager or Community Manager containers. API Plat
Network Director Network Director is the gateway component of the Akana API management platform. API endpoints are proxied in these containers. Install into standalone containers that are intended to be used as gateways. API Plat
Normalize Activity Runtime Supports the Normalize Message process activity by facilitating the normalization of a message in the process. Install into the Network Director containers. Option Packs
Normalize Activity UI Provides support for the Normalize Message process activity. Install into the container that has the Policy Manager Console installed. Option Packs
OAuth Provides OAuth server integration, ensuring that OAuth tokens stay in sync with changes to apps and APIs. Install into the Community Manager container and Policy Manager container when Community Manager OAuth Provider is deployed in a standalone container. API Plat
OAuth Provider Offers OAuth Provider capabilities. Install into the Community Manager OAuth Provider container. API Plat
OAuth Provider Grant Provisioning UI Provides the OAuth grant provisioning user interface. Install into the container with Community Manager OAuth Provider. API Plat
Ping Support Provides a Ping web service for testing the functional state of the container's web service framework. Install into any container where this capability is desired. API Plat
PingFederate Integration Provides the integration with PingFederate OAuth security module. Install into the Community Manager, OAuth, and Network Director container. API Plat
PM 7.2 Upgrade Upgrades Policy Manager database objects to version 7.2. Only install into a lower version Policy Manager container. Only needs to be installed into a single Policy Manager container for execution once. API Plat
PM 8.0 Upgrade Upgrades Policy Manager database objects from version 7.2 to version 8.0. API Plat
PM 8.2 Upgrade Upgrades Policy Manager database objects from version 8.0 to version 8.2.Only install into a version 8.0.x Policy Manager container. Only needs to be installed into a single Policy Manager container for execution once. API Plat
Policy Manager Console Provides a browser-based user interface for the Policy Manager application. This must interact with the Policy Manager Services which can be deployed in the same container. Install into the Policy Manager container. API Plat
Policy Manager Custom Policy Framework Adds Custom Policy support. Install into the container with Policy Manager Console. Option Packs
Policy Manager Services Provides access to the services from the Policy Manager application. For example, it provides UDDIv2 and UDDIv3, WS-MetadataExchange, container configuration, a XACML policy decision point, a WS-Trust security token service, Alert reporting, and RESTful interfaces to the governance model are also provided. Includes the engines for performing quality of service (QoS) calculations, and health and status monitoring. Install into the Policy Manager container. API Plat
REST Access to PM Services Installs the Policy Manager REST services. Install into the Policy Manager container. API Plat
SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Service Provider Supports SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO security, allowing support of any SAML 2.0 provider that supports SP-Initiated SSO as defined in a SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO profile. Install into all containers that have Community Manager or OAuth Provider. Option Packs
SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO Service Provider UI Adds support for configuring a SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO service provider domain. Install into the container with Policy Manager Console. Option Packs
Sample Data Sets for Demo Charts Provides data sets for sample charts Installing the data set also installs the associated charts and dashboards to the Envision UI. Install into an Envision container. Analytics Manager
Scheduled Jobs Provides a series of system background jobs that are executed by the Policy Manager job scheduler. Used for multi-container deployments, and is also installed as part of Policy Manager Services (for single-container deployments) along with Management Services and Security Services. Install into a standalone container. API Plat
Security Services Installs Policy Manager security-related services. Used for multi-container deployments, and is also installed as part of Policy Manager Services (for single-container deployments) along with Scheduled Jobs and Management Services. Install into the Policy Manager container. API Plat
System Health Tool Provides a programmatic and user interface for monitoring the operational health of an instance. Install in any Akana container that needs to be monitored. Install into a container with the Admin Console. Plat
Theme: Bonita Provides the Bonita Theme for Community Manager. Install into the Community Manager container. API Plat
Theme: Hermosa Provides the Hermosa Theme for Community Manager. Install into the container where Community Manager is installed. API Plat
Theme: Simple Developer Provides the Simple Developer Theme for Community Manager. Install into the same container as the Akana API Platform. API Plat
WAF Integration Integrates SNI keys and certs with a web application firewall (WAF) provider. Install into the Scheduled Jobs container. Option Packs

You can use the Search feature to quickly locate a feature on the list. For more information, see Using Search in the Admin Console.

Locating back-end values

If you're using automation recipes, you'll need to know the back-end value for each feature, because those are the values that are referenced in the recipes.

In the redesigned Admin Console, you can easily view details about a specific feature, including the back-end value. Just find the feature on the Available Features or Installed Features list, and click the link in the feature name.

In the example below, the user first uses the Search feature to help locate the Community Manager feature, and then clicks the feature name to review the details. The back-end feature name is com.soa.atmosphere.feature.

Admin Console, 2022.1.0: Viewing feature details

For more information on using automation recipes, see Automation Reference Guide.