Eclipse Workspace Setup

Learn how to set up an Eclipse workspace for platform development.

Table of Contents


This document describes how to set up an Eclipse workspace for platform development. This includes custom policies and activities for the API Gateway.


Configure the default JRE

  1. Download and install a Java JDK v1.8. Set it as the default in Eclipse by selecting Preferences > Java > Installed JREs. Add the installed JDK and select the checkbox, making it the default.

    Eclipse JDK

  2. Configure the compiler compliance level for 1.8 by selecting Preferences > Java > Compiler. Choose 1.8 from the dropdown as follows:

Configure the OSGi Target Platform

The Akana Platform is based on OSGi, and any custom development is therefore built as a plug-in. To facilitate this, a Target Platform must be configured.

  1. Create a new Target Platform by selecting Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform. Click Add.
  2. Initialize the target definition with Nothing. Click Next.
  3. Specify a name, such as Akana. Click Add.
  4. Select Directory as the source of plugins. Click Next.
  5. At this point, it's advisable to create a reusable variable that points to the /lib directory of your platform installation. To do this, add a variable by clicking Variables.
  6. Add a new variable by clicking Edit Variables. Click New.
  7. Fill in the name of your variable (for example, akana_lib) and browse to the /lib directory of your platform installation. Click OK. Click OK again.
  8. Select your new variable from the list and specify the appropriate suffix for your version of the container. For example, {akana_lib}/2022. Click Finish.
  9. Repeat the process to add {akana_lib}/ext, {akana_lib}/api/{version}, and {akana_lib}/platform/{version} to the Target Definition. Click Finish.

Your Target Definition will look something like the example below.

Eclipse Target