Businesses Service: Overview

The Businesses service provides operations for managing business information, including apps, APIs, workflows, and other information relating to a specific business organization on the platform.

Note: Most of these operations take the Business ID as a parameter. To find out what the Business ID is for your installation, you can run the GET /api/properties operation (TenantBusinessID parameter in the response).

URL: https://{hostname}/api/businesses

Action Endpoint Description
add business POST /api/businesses Adds a business organization on the platform.
add business resource POST /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/resources Adds a scope on the platform.
add model category POST /api/businesses/{businessID}/modelcategories Adds a category for model objects in the business.
delete business DELETE /api/businesses/{BusinessID} Deletes a business on the platform.
delete business resource DELETE /api/businesses/resources/{ResourceID} Deletes a scope on the platform.
delete model category DELETE /api/businesses/{businessID}/modelcategories/{CategoryName} Marks a model object category for deletion.
export business resource GET /api/businesses/resources/{ResourceID}/package Exports information about scopes associated with a business to an export file that can be imported to another platform instance.
export metrics GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/metrics/export Exports metric information for the business.
export package GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/package Exports information about a business to an export file that can be imported to another platform instance.
get alert settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/alertsettings Returns information about the configurable alert settings for a business on the platform.
get API settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/apisettings Returns information about the configurable API settings for a business on the platform.
get app settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/appsettings Returns information about the configurable app settings for a business on the platform.
get business GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID} Returns information about a business on the platform.
get business environments GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/environments Returns information about the available environments for a business on the platform.
get business implementation/environment associations GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/implenvassociations Returns information about the available implementation/environment associations for a business on the platform.
get business implementations GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/implementations Returns information about the available implementations for a business on the platform.
get business resource GET /api/businesses/resources/{ResourceID} Returns information about the specified scope on the platform.
get business resources GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/resources Returns information about scopes for the specified business organization on the platform, in the form of an RSS channel.
get business resources hierarchy GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/resourcehierarchy Returns information about scopes for the specified business organization on the platform, in the form of a JSON or XML object.
get business settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/settings Returns information about the configurable settings for a business on the platform. The optional parameters determine which settings are returned; without those, the operation returns an empty results set.
get business types GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/settings Returns information about a specific type of business organization on the platform.
get businesses GET /api/businesses (with default headers) Returns information about businesses on the platform, as an RSS feed.
get challenge questions GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/challenges Returns information about the security challenge questions set up for a business.
get containers GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/containers Returns information about the API Gateway containers for a business.
get discussion settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/discussionsettings Returns information about the configurable discussion settings for a business on the platform.
Get login policy GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/loginpolicy Returns information about the login policy settings for a business on the platform.
get connection settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/connectionsettings Returns information about the configurable connection settings for a business on the platform.
get comment settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/commentsettings Returns information about the configurable comment settings for a business on the platform.
get forum entries GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/forum Returns information about forum entries for a business.
get general settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/businesssettings Returns information about general settings relating to a business, such as the maximum file upload size for Board artifacts.
get group settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/groupsettings Returns information about the configurable group settings for a business on the platform.
get licenses GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/licenses Returns information about the licenses for a business.
get model categories GET /api/businesses/{businessID}/modelcategories Returns information about the categories defined for model objects in the business organization.
get model category GET /api/businesses/{businessID}/modelcategories/{CategoryName} Returns information about a category defined for model objects in the business.
get metrics GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/metrics Returns a set of metric information for the specified business organization, in JSON or XML format, that can be used to create a chart.
get model settings GET /api/businesses/{businessID}/modelsettings Returns information about the settings defined for model objects in the business.
get password policy GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/passwordpolicy Returns information about the password policy settings for a business on the platform.
get review settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/reviewsettings Returns information about the configurable settings for a review on the platform.
get security settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/securitysettings Returns information about the configurable security settings for a business on the platform.
get ticket settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/ticketsettings Returns information about the configurable ticket settings for a business on the platform.
get 2FA settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/twofasettings Returns information about the two-factor authentication (2FA) settings for the business.
get user settings GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/usersettings Returns information about the configurable user settings for a business on the platform.
list businesses GET /api/businesses (with vendor-specific headers) Returns information about business organizations on the platform, as a JSON object.
list business types GET /api/businesses/types Returns a list of the business (organization) types available on the platform.
list models GET /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/models Returns a list of model objects defined for the business.
save alert settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/alertsettings Updates the configurable alert settings for a business on the platform.
save API settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/apisettings Updates the configurable API settings for a business on the platform.
save app settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/appsettings Updates the configurable app settings for a business on the platform.
save challenge questions PUT /api/api/businesses/{BusinessID}/challenges Adds information about the security challenge questions for a business.
save comment settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/commentsettings Updates the configurable comment settings for a business on the platform.
save connection settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/connectionsettings Updates the configurable connection settings for a business on the platform.
save discussion settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/discussionsettings Updates the configurable discussion settings for a business on the platform.
save general settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/businesssettings Saves general settings relating to a business, such as the maximum file upload size for Board artifacts.
save group settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/groupsettings Updates the configurable group settings for a business on the platform.
save model settings PUT /api/businesses/{businessID}/modelsettings Returns information about a model category defined for a business organization.
save review settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/reviewsettings Updates the configurable review settings for a business on the platform.
save security settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/securitysettings Updates the configurable security-related settings for a business on the platform.
save ticket settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/ticketsettings Updates the configurable ticket settings for a business on the platform.
save 2FA settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/twofasettings Updates information about the two-factor authentication (2FA) settings for the business.
save user settings PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/usersettings Updates the configurable user settings for a business on the platform.
update business PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID} Updates information about a business on the platform.
update business resource PUT /api/businesses/resources/{ResourceID} Modifies information about a scope on the platform.
update login policy PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/loginpolicy Updates login policy settings for a business on the platform.
update model category PUT /api/businesses/{businessID}/modelcategories/{CategoryName} Updates information about a model category defined for a business organization.
update password policy PUT /api/businesses/{BusinessID}/passwordpolicy Updates password policy settings for a business on the platform.

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