Contracts Service: Overview

The Contracts service provides operations for managing API access contracts in the Akana API Platform.

URL: https://{hostname}/api/contracts

Note: For information about IDs used in path parameters, see IDs on the Platform.

Action Endpoint Description
execute workflow action POST /api/contracts/{ContractDN}/actions Executes a workflow action associated with a specific change of contract status.
export a contract GET /api/contracts/{ContractID/package Exports a specific app/API contract.
get contract GET /api/contracts/{ContractID} Retrieves information about the specified contract.
get contract API details GET /api/contracts/{ContractID}/apidetails Returns information about the API that's part of a specific app/API contract.
get contract app details GET /api/contracts/{ContractID}/appdetails Returns information about the app that's part of a specific app/API contract.
request contract POST /api/contracts Requests a new contract between a specific version of an app and a specific version of an API. Also used to revise a contract.
update contract PUT /api/contracts/{ContractID} Updates scopes (licenses selected) and/or the QoS policy assignments for an app/API contract.

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