Dropbox Service: Overview

The Dropbox service provides operations for uploading images to the Akana API Platform, to support operations that create or modify resources that might include an image, such as user profiles.

The Dropbox provides a temporary storage area. If you want to upload an image to the platform, you can first upload it to the Dropbox using the POST /api/dropbox/pictures operation. The Dropbox returns a token ID or a picture ID, and you can then use that ID to retrieve the image using the GET /api/dropbox/pictures/{PictureID} operation, or as part of operations such as POST /api/apps or POST /api/apis. The operation takes the picture from the dropbox; it is then stored on the server.

The Dropbox is only temporary. Dropbox items are stored for a short time and then deleted.

URL: https://{hostname}/api/dropbox

Note: For information about IDs used in path parameters, see IDs on the Platform.

Action Endpoint Description
add picture POST /api/dropbox/pictures Uploads an image, for a resource such as a user profile, to the Dropbox.
crop picture PUT /api/dropbox/pictures/{PictureID} Specifies the display and crop dimensions for a picture previously uploaded to the Dropbox for a resource such as a user profile, app, or API.
get picture GET /api/dropbox/pictures/{PictureID} Returns a picture that was uploaded to the Dropbox for a resource.
read file details POST /api/dropbox/readfiledetails Uploads the contents of a file, such as an API definition document (individual file or ZIP file), to the Dropbox, and returns information about the service that will be used to create the API. If the upload file is a ZIP file containing multiple services, it returns a list of services that are included in the file, so the user can specify a service.
read URL POST /api/dropbox/readurl Sends information about the URL, with authentication information if needed, to access a URL for an API description document, and uploads the document information to the Dropbox. Returns the dropbox file details.
read WSDL GET /api/dropbox/wsdls?wsdlUrl={url} Accepts the URL for a WSDL file and returns a list of operations, starting with the ID of the WSDL.
read WSDL ZIP POST /api/dropbox/wsdls Accepts a ZIP file containing a WSDL and responds with a list of operations.
read ZIP file details GET /api/dropbox/readfiledetails Accepts a Dropbox ID and ZIP file entry name, and returns a list of APIs/services. If there are multiple files in the ZIP, it returns a list of files so the user can specify one. A resend is then required with the filename. A successful send returns a list of services.

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