AddAPIImplementationRequest Object

Contains information about a request to add an implementation for a specific API version.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the AddAPIImplementationRequest object are listed below.

Property Type Description
ApiVersionID string The unique ID for a specific API version.
ImplementationCode string Code name for the API implementation.
Description string Description of the implementation.
AnonymousAccessAllowed Boolean Indicates whether anonymous access to the implementation is allowed.
EndpointAccessAutoApproved Boolean Indicates whether API access requests to the implementation are automatically approved.
CreateMechanism string

Indicates how the implementation is being created; for example, CLONE or PROXY. For valid values, see CreateMechanism values.

CloneImplementationRequest CloneImplementationRequest

Contains information about a request to create an implementation by cloning an existing implementation.

Required if the value for CreateMechanism is CLONE.

ProxyImplementationRequest ProxyImplementationRequest

Contains information about a request to create an implementation by defining a proxy.

Required if the value for CreateMechanism is PROXY.

ExistingAssetImplementationRequest ExistingAssetImplementationRequest

Contains information about a request to create an implementation using a service already existing in Policy Manager.

Required if the value for CreateMechanism is EXISTING_ASSET

APIImplementationDeployments APIImplementationDeployments Contains information about the deployment zones associated with a specific API version implementation, or that a specific API version implementation is eligible for based on the API version definition and deployment zone definitions.

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