TwoFASettings Object

Contains information about the two-factor authentication settings for the business.

This object is used by the user workflow and by the following:

The properties included in the TwoFASettings object are listed below.

Property Type Description
TwoFAEnabled Boolean Indicates whether two-factor authentication is enabled for the Community Manager developer portal.
CodeValidSeconds Integer The period, in seconds, for which a verification code will be valid for login.
MaxAttempts Integer The maximum number of login attempts a user can make with one verification code. After that point, the user will have to request a new code.
RecurrenceMode String

Determines how often and under what circumstances the current two-factor authentication expires and the user must authenticate again. Valid values:

  • twofa.each.login: for each login (no extra values needed).
  • twofa.once.each.interval: After a specific time period (specify RecurrenceIntervalMinutes).
  • specify DeviceCookieName, the name of the cookie that will be used during 2FA login.
RecurrenceIntervalMinutes Integer Determines the period of time after which the user will have to complete the 2FA process again.
DeviceCookieName String The name of the cookie that will be used during 2FA login.
DeviceCookieValue String The value of the cookie that will be used during 2FA login.

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