Contract Object

Contains information about a contract between an app and an API.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the Contract object are listed below.

Parameter Type Description
ContractID string Contains information about a contract between an app and an API.
Name Name The name for the contract.
Description string The text description of the contract.
APIVersionID string The unique ID for a specific API version.
Endpoint string The endpoint that the contract relates to.
RuntimeID string Although this field is labeled RuntimeID it is actually the AppVersionID; the unique ID for the specific app version.
Environment string The environment that the contract relates to (Sandbox or Production).
Policies Policies Contains information about policies relating to an app/API contract.
State string The current state of the contract. For valid values, see API Contract State.
ContractScope ContractScope Contains information about the scope for an app/API contract.
Scope Scope Contains information about a scope.
Updated dateTime The date/time stamp when the resource was last updated. Used only in response messages.
UpdatedInMillis long The amount of time since the resource was last updated (same value as Updated above), expressed in milliseconds. Used only in response messages.
TargetResources TargetResources Contains information about one or more resources associated with the current resource. Used only in response messages.
Endpoint Endpoint Includes information about an endpoint for an API (Sandbox or Production).
Status string The status of the contract. For valid values, see API Contract Status.

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