DeploymentZoneInfo Object

Contains information about a specific deployment zone on the platform.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the DeploymentZoneInfo object are listed below.

Property Type Description
DeploymentZoneID string Unique ID for a specific deployment zone.
Name string Name of the deployment zone.
Description string Description of the deployment zone.
Location string Coordinates for the location of the deployment zone.
ContainerKey string Unique key for the container where the deployment zone is hosted.
ContainerName string Name of the container where the deployment zone is hosted.
AddressOverrideBehavior string

Indicates whether the default API Gateway hostname is overridden by a specific hostname (specified in the HostName property. Valid values:

  • com.akana.allow: address override is allowed.
  • com.akana.dontallow: address override is not allowed.

Default: com.akana.dontallow.

RandomHostNameBehavior string

Indicates whether to append a random prefix to the hostname or not. Valid values:

  • com.akana.allow: a random prefix is appended to the hostname.
  • com.akana.dontallow: there is no random prefix.

Default: com.akana.allow.

HostName string If AddressOverrideBehavior is set to allow an override, hostname is required. It must be a valid hostname. In this scenario, all APIs in the business will have the same hostname. The API Admin must make sure that the DNS system is configured to resolve this hostname to the hostname for the API implementation.
VirtualHostSupported boolean Indicates whether the deployment zone supports use of a virtual host. Default: true.
DeploymentZoneAccessPoint DeploymentZoneAccessPoint Contains information about an access point for a deployment zone.
DZoneEnvImplAssociations DZoneEnvImplAssociations Contains information about implementation/environment associations for a deployment zone.

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