Group Object

Contains information about a group on the platform.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the Group object are listed below. All properties are optional unless otherwise specified.

Property Type Description
GroupID string The unique ID for a specific group. Required when updating a group.
Name string The name of the group. Required in request messages.
Description string The description of the group. Required in request messages.
Tag string [ ] an array of one or more tags defined for the group.
Link anyURI A link for the group, if one is defined.
Contact string Information about a contact for the group, if applicable.
Visibility string

The visibility setting for this resource. For a list of valid values, see Visibility Settings.

In request messages, defaults to Public if not specified.

PictureID long

A temporary ID for a picture on the platform, such as the avatar for an app, API, or user. The PictureID is assigned by the Dropbox when the picture is first uploaded to the server, using the Dropbox service, as part of adding or updating the resource. PictureID is essentially the same as DropboxId.

The app invokes the Dropbox API to upload the avatar using the PictureID. The image is then associated with the groupl

Used only in request messages.

GroupType string The type of group. For example, For valid values, see Group Types. Required in request messages.
ContextObjectID string The unique ID of the object that a group belongs to, if applicable. For an app team it is the AppID; for an API Scope Group it is the APIVersionID.
State string The group's state: active or deleted.
Created dateTime The date/time stamp when the resource was first created. Used only in response messages.
Updated dateTime The date/time stamp when the resource was last updated. Used only in response messages.
RatingSummary RatingSummary An aggregated, averaged summary of individual user ratings for the resource, including the current ratings count for each possible value (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5). Used only in response messages.
MemberCount integer Indicates how many members are in the group. Used only in response messages.
AdminCount integer Indicates how many administrators are in the group. Used only in response messages.
IsFollowed boolean A flag indicating whether the resource is being followed.
AvatarURL anyURI URL for the avatar uploaded for the resource, if any. Used only in response messages.
GroupSettings GroupSettings Provides information about the settings for the specified group.

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