LoginDomain Object

Includes information about a login domain on the platform.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the LoginDomain object are listed below.

Property Type Description
LoginDomainID string The unique ID for the user's login domain.
DomainName string The domain name for the user's domain.
FedmemberId string The unique FedmemberId applicable to the user's domain.
DisplayMode string The display mode for the login domain. For a list of valid values, see Display Mode.
Title string The title of the login domain; for example, acmepaymentscorp-users.
Sequence integer An integer value indicating the specific login domain's sequence when available login domains are presented to a user logging in. In the user interface, the Site Administrator can configure these values in the Admin > Logins section (drag and drop to resequence). For example, if Facebook and Google logins are available, this value controls which one appears first.
VirtualHost string[ ]

One or more virtual hostnames for the login domain.

The platform portal can be accessed from multiple URLs. When identity stores are supported, there is a separate URL for each domain/set of identity stores. The hostname from each of these URLs is a virtual host. Each login domain can be enabled for each virtual host, or for all virtual hosts, using a regular expression.

For example, you could have two virtual hosts for the same instance of your platform, one offering login via Google and Facebook and the other offering only local login. As another example, the platform might have one URL for Administrators, admin.acmepaymentscorp.com, supporting LDAP login to incorporate with the enterprise LDAP, and another URL for developers, developer.acmepaymentscorp.com, that would not need to support LDAP login.

In the user interface, the Site Admin can configure these values in the More > Admin > Logins section ( Target Host field).

IdSystemType string When identity stores are supported, this field indicates the type of identity store; for example, Siteminder, OAuth, or Facebook. This field is read-only, but is extensible depending on the options available on your installation and on support for additional idSystemType values. For a list of valid values, see IdSystemType values for Login Connector Type.
LogoAssigned boolean Indicates whether a logo is assigned to the domain; true or false.
Enabled boolean Indicates whether the domain is enabled. If not specified, defaults to true.
LogoId long The unique ID for the logo assigned to the domain, if applicable.

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