Theme Object

Contains information about a theme defined for a tenant on the platform.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the Theme object are listed below.

Property Type Description
Theme string The name of the theme; for example, default or hermosa.
VirtualHosts string[ ] One or more virtual hostanames that will be used to access the site (for example,, The system uses these hostnames to determine which theme to present. In your DNS system, make sure there is an A record or CNAME record for each virtual hostname, and that it points to your system.
ConsoleAddress string The full URL for the site. As well as browser access, the console address is used in links to the site in various emails and notifications. Must be a full URL, including scheme, hostname, context path, and trailing forward slash; for example,
SiteTitle string Optional. The page title for the site, if specified. This is the most important on-page SEO element, and typically appears in the browser tab and search engine results. Relevant keywords should be placed first in the title, with branded information at the end. Keywords earlier in the title are given greater importance and will positively impact your organic rankings and traffic. Page titles should ideally be no more than 60 characters long to ensure they're not truncated on desktop, mobile, and tablet searches.
SiteDescription string Optional. The meta description for the site, if specified. This is used by search engines. The description should lead with an explanation of what the site is about, followed by a call to action. It should be no more than 155 characters so that it isn't truncated in search results.
TenantID long In this model object, the TenantID is a five-digit number only used internally. You can ignore this value. Not required in requests.
FedmemberID string Unique ID for a specific tenant. Same as TenantID.
ThemeImpl string

Optional. The ThemeImpl setting for this theme. ThemeImpl works with the theme element to support cloning of Community Manager developer portal user interface themes, so that you can have two instances of one theme with separate customization for each.

There are three possible values, one for each of the theme-related plug-ins available during the installation process: default, hermosa, simpledev.

Alias string An alias name for the theme. Optional.

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