Using the Container Textual User Interface (TUI)

Information about using the command-line textual user interface for the container.

Product installation includes a command-line user interface that you can use in certain circumstances. For example, you might need to use the TUI (also called the Felix Console) to uninstall a bundle.

The TUI is not part of normal container usage; in most cases, you'll perform actions associated with container administration via the Akana Administration Console graphical user interface. If you need to use the TUI for a specific purpose, install it, use it, and then remove it, following the instructions below.

Table of Contents

Installing the TUI

To set up the TUI, you'll need to copy a specific JAR file from one folder in your installation folder structure, and place it in another folder in the context of the specific container that you want to modify.

Copy the file, rather than moving it. Then, you can delete it from the container location when done, and you'll still have it in the original location for future use if needed.

File name:

  • For example:

Default location in the installation folder structure:

  • {install_folder_name}/lib/platform/{version_subfolder}

For example: AP84/lib/platform/8/4/0/

Location to copy the file to:

  • {install_folder_name}/instances/{instance_name}/deploy/ For example: AP84/instances/CM01/deploy.

Once the file is in the deploy folder for the container, you're ready to run the TUI. See Running the TUI below.

Running the TUI

Once you've copied the JAR file to the correct location, you're ready to run the TUI.

Note: You'll need to start the container without the -bg (background) option, so that you'll see the textual user interface.

To run the container using the TUI

  1. Conditional: if the container is already running, stop the container.
  2. Open up a command prompt and navigate to the /bin folder for your instance. For example:
  3. In the \bin folder, type the applicable command to start the container:

    For Windows:

    startup.bat configurator

    For Unix: configurator

    The TUI starts up, as shown in the example below:

    Starting the container using the TUI

Now, you can use the TUI to perform tasks. For example, you can uninstall a bundle: see Using the TUI to uninstall a bundle below.

Using the TUI to uninstall a bundle

Under certain circumstances, you might need to uninstall a bundle, as shown in the example below. The procedure works the same for any bundle you might need to uninstall.

To uninstall the com.soa.oauth.interfaces bundle

  1. Identify the ID of the com.soa.oauth.interfaces bundle:
    1. Log in to the Akana Administration Console for the container.
    2. Click the Installed Features tab.
    3. From the drop-down menu at the top left, choose Bundle, as shown below.

      Get bundle ID

    4. Look for the com.soa.oauth.interfaces bundle.
    5. Note the ID of the bundle (in the Bundle ID column).
  2. Open up the TUI command prompt for the container. The TUI must already be installed: see Installing the TUI above.
  3. Run the following command to uninstall the bundle:
    uninstall {bundleID}

When done, remember to uninstall the TUI. See Uninstalling the TUI below.

Uninstalling the TUI

When you've completed the action you needed to complete with the TUI, remove it immediately so that you can use the Akana Administration Console for container administration actions.

To uninstall the TUI

  1. Stop the container from running.
  2. Remove the file from the {install_folder_name}/instances/{instance_name}/deploy folder.
  3. Start the container.