Default ElasticSearch client security settings. All of these settings can be applied to individual client configuraitons, but if not specified there, these will be used.

EnableSSL (elastic.client.enableSSL)

Enable SSL with Shield security on ES Cluster.

Default: false

keystorePath (elastic.client.keystorePath)

Keystore path. Applicable to PKCS12 and JKS.

keystorePassword (elastic.client.keystorePassword)

Password for the keystore. Applicable to PKCS12 and JKS.

keyPassword (elastic.client.keyPassword)

Password for the private key in the keystore. defaults to keystorePassword. Applicable to PKCS12 and JKS.

alias (elastic.client.alias)

Alias for the keystore

aliasPassword (elastic.client.aliasPassword)

Alias password

clientUser (elastic.client.clientUser)

Elastic client user name. required if x-pack security is enabled.

userPassword (elastic.client.clientUserPassword)

The password for the client user. required if x-pack security is enabled.

truststorePath (elastic.client.truststorePath)

Truststore path. Applicable to PKCS12 and JKS.

truststorePassword (elastic.client.truststorePassword)

Password to the truststore. Applicable to PKCS12 and JKS.

sslHostNameVerifierMode (elastic.client.sslHostNameVerifierMode)

The ssl host name verifier mode. Valid values are allow_all or default. The default enforces the host name verification.

Default: allow_all

socketTimeout (elastic.client.socketTimeout)

The SO timeout in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets).

Default: 30000

connectTimeout (elastic.client.connectTimeout)

The timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default).

Default: 1000

maxConnections (elastic.client.maxConnections)

Max number of concurrent http connections the client can have open.

Default: 25

useSniffer (elastic.client.useSniffer)

Use Elasticsearch Sniffer to detect running nodes in the cluster using ES Nodes Info api.

Default: false