Atmosphere configuration properties

Auth Token Max Length (atmosphere.config.authTokenMaxLength)

The max length thats allowed for the token not to exceed the cookie length the browsers supports.

Default: 512

Enterprise Installation (atmosphere.config.enterpriseInstall)

The type of install (enterprise or multi tenant). true if its an enterprise install false otherwise.

Default: true

businessSettingsCacheRefreshOnChange (atmosphere.config.businessSettingsCacheRefreshOnChange)

Whether to refresh cache immediately upon a change to business security settings. The default refresh time is 5 minutes.

Default: false

Refresh Interval (sni.x509.refresh.trigger.repeatInterval)

The interval in milliseconds between each auto refresh of the tenant x.509 SNI certificate cache.

Default: 86400000

Start Delay (sni.x509.refresh.trigger.startDelay)

The time in milliseconds before the tenant x.509 SNI certificate cache refresh job begins, after the bundle is started.

Default: 1800000

Enable Refresh (sni.x509.refresh.job.enabled)

Enables or disables the refresh job. If the refresh job is disabled, the tenant x.509 SNI certificate cache will not be refreshed.

Default: true

DefaultFileTypesAllowed (atmosphere.config.defaultFileTypesAllowed)

The media types allowed by default for newly added tenants. The setting is only used when a new tenant is created.

Default: text/plain

DefaultXSSWhiteListKeywords (atmosphere.config.defaultXSSWhiteListKeywords)

The white list characters allowed during xss validation. default for newly added tenants. The setting is only used when a new tenant is created.

Default: /#()'':;?!_<=>@&*$

DefaultXSSBlackListKeywords (atmosphere.config.defaultXSSBlackListKeywords)

The list of keywords not allowed during xss validation. default for newly added tenants. The setting is only used when a new tenant is created.

Default: onload

ApplyDefaultPasswordRules (atmosphere.config.applyDefaultPasswordRules)

Enables or disables applying the default password rules. Applicable to newly added tenants by default if enabled. MinLength=8;MaxLength=64;MinLetters=1;MinNumbers=1;MinUpper=1;MinSpecialChars=1;AllowedSpecialChars=!'#$%&'()*,-./:;<=>?@^_{};Space=false;MatchUserName=false;MatchEmail=false;

Default: true

authTokenTimeToIdleTimeInSeconds (atmosphere.config.authTokenTimeToIdleTimeInSeconds)

User auth tokens cache removal time when idle. In seconds. The default is 62 seconds.

Default: 62

staticVisibilityRelationshipCacheInDays (atmosphere.config.staticVisibilityRelationshipCacheInDays)

The number of days the static visibility relationship data to be loaded into the cache. The default is 1 day.

Default: 1

userRolesDenied (atmosphere.config.userRolesDenied)

Allows to set up one or more roles that cannot use this implementation. For example, you might want to dedicate a special container for administrator use only. Use comma separators as needed. For example: Site Administrator,Business Administrator,ApiAdmin, BusinessAdmin,SiteAdmin

openid.provider.proxy (openid.provider.proxy)

Used in scenarios where there is a federation with a proxy in front of the Akana API Platform. This setting is valid for legacy purposes only.