General PM Console configuration

Schema Directory (schemas.dir)

The location on the filesystem that the console will use as the default location for schemas

Default: ${product.home.dir}/schemas

Enable QuickSearch (QuickSearch.enabled)

Enable/disable quick search in the console navigation header

Default: false


Set the default perspective for the workbench

Default: organization (

Enable/disable download of private keys from PM console

Default: true

Default Contract Expiration Hours (contract.default.expiry.duration.hours)

Default contract expiration interval in PM configuration dialogs

Default: 8760

Root Context Path (pmcontext.path)

The root context path for the PM Console. The default root context path is “/console“. Note that this path can be changed manually or using a recipe. However, if you want to change the context path to use a value other than “/console“, a container restart is required

Default: /console

Session Timeout (session.timeout)

The timeout in seconds for PM Console sessions. Note that changes to this value require a restart

Default: 3600