Properties for the container metadata service
HTTP Context Path (metadata.http.context.path)
The path used to read the metadata from this container using HTTP. This will be preceeded by any root context for the container's HTTP listeners.
Default: /metadata
Container Type (com.soa.container.metadata.container.type)
The container type URI
Container Type Name (
The container type name
Default: Service Container
Container Metadata Version (com.soa.container.metadata.container.version)
The container metadata version
Default: 8.0.0
Container Metadata Access Restricted (metadata.access.filter.enable)
The switch for enabling or disabling remote access to the metadata service.
Default: false
Container Metadata Local Access (metadata.access.filter.localhostOnly)
The switch for enabling or disabling access to the metadata service from different hosts.
Default: false
Container Metadata Basic Auth (metadata.basic.auth.filter.enabled)
Enable or disable basic authentication on the metadata service.
Default: false