HTTP client proxy configuration properties. Each proxy will have a set of these properties.

Target URL (url)

The URL for this proxy mapping. Only the protocol, host and port are used from the URL.

Proxy Server (proxy)

The proxy server address for this URL mapping.

Proxy Username (username)

The username to use to authenticate to the proxy server. This is optional.

Proxy Password (password)

The password to use to authenticate to the proxy server. This is optional.

Proxy Authentication Realm (realm)

The realm to use to authenticate to the proxy server. This is optional.

Proxy Domain (NTLM) (domain)

The domain to authenticate within. If this property is defined then NTLM authentication is used with the proxy.

Proxy Host (NTLM) (host)

The host the authentication request is originating from. Essentially, the computer name for this machine. This is only required for NTLM authentication.

Password Encrypted (isPasswordEncrypted)

Is the proxy password encrypted? If it is, the password is expected to be a a base64-encoded value encrypted using the container key.