JMS configuration properties

Read Retry Interval (jms.listener.manager.retryInterval)

The time in milliseconds between read operations when there is a failure. A restart is not required if this is changed.

Default: 30000

Poll Timeout (jms.listener.manager.pollTimeout)

The amount of time that the polling thread will wait before tearing down the connection and rebuilding it when ther is no activity. This is useful for clients that do not report server restarts properly. A value of 0 disables this behavior. A restart is not required if this is changed.

Default: 600000

Enable Poll Timeout (jms.listener.manager.enablePollTimeout)

Allow poll timeout behavior to be completely disabled. This is equivalent to setting a poll timeout of 0, but this is now defaulted to disabled. A restart is not required if this is changed.

Default: false

Listeners Per Endpoint (jms.listener.manager.listenersPerEndpoint)

The number of listener threads per endpoint. This is the number of polling threads that will be created for each listener. Note that each request is handled in a separate thread.

Default: 1

Listener Poll Timeout (jms.listener.manager.pollInterval)

The timeout that each polling thread will use when attempting a read operation. A restart is not required if this is changed.

Default: 60000

Correlate by Message ID (jms.listener.manager.correlateByMessageId)

Control whether responses are set with the correlation ID of the incoming request or with the request message ID. A restart is not required if this is changed.

Default: false

Connection Strategy (session.factory.connectionStrategy)

The connection strategy controls how connections are managed. This can be either on a per-provider basis, which will try to minimize the number of connections. Or per-endpoint, which will create a connection for each endpoint, which can mean a connection per destination.

Default: per-provider

Session Pool Max Size (jms.session.manager.maxSessionPoolSize)

The maximum size of the session pool.

Default: 20

Session Pool Min Size (jms.session.manager.minSessionPoolSize)

The minimum size of the session pool.

Default: 0

Session Idle Time (jms.session.manager.maxIdleTime)

The maximum idle time in milliseconds for a session before it is closed and removed from the pool.

Default: 600000

Include Extended Headers (transport.factory.extendedHeaders)

Should JMS 'header' properties be treated as transport headers?

Default: false

Listener Request Thread pool Max Size (jms.listener.manager.maxRequestThreads)

The maximum size of the listener request thread pool. Note that the session pool size should be <= request pool size.

Default: 50