Configuration of the DoS Rules properties
Expiration Checking Interval (rules.expiration.trigger.repeatInterval)
The interval in milliseconds between checks for rules expiration
Default: 1000
Start Delay (rules.expiration.trigger.startDelay)
The time in milliseconds before expiration checks will begin when the bundle is started.
Default: 15000
Enable Expiration checking (rules.expiration.job.enabled)
Enable or disable the expiration checking job. If the expiration job is disabled DoS rules, specifically black lists, will not expire
Default: true
Enable Transport Rules (global.transport.rule.enable)
Enable execution of the transport rules
Default: true
Enable Transport Rule Service Mapper (service.mapper.enable)
Enable the rule service mapper
Default: true
Fail if no Rules Defined (dos.service.rules.failOnNoRules)
Fail if no rules defined for a service. Has no impact if the transport rules are disabled.
Default: true