OAuth resource server configuration properties
Refresh Time (com.soa.pingfederate.config.refreshTime)
The refresh time in seconds the cache will be refreshed.
Default: 300
Expiration Period (com.soa.pingfederate.config.expirationPeriod)
The expiration period in seconds the cache will be expired.
Default: 3600
Cache Max Capacity (com.soa.pingfederate.config.cacheMaxCapacity)
Property indicating the number of maximum entries that can be cached at any time.
Default: 100000
Domain Cache Refresh Time (com.soa.pingfederate.config.refreshDomainConfigTime)
Property indicating the domain cache refresh time.
Default: 300
Cache Enabled (com.soa.pingfederate.config.cacheEnabled)
Property indicating the cache to be enabled or disabled
Default: true