Policy Framework configuration

Create Handler at Deployment (policy.framework.settings.configureHandlersOnDeployment)

Indicates whether handlers should be created at deployment time or at the time of the first call.

Default: false

Provider Handler Functions (policy.framework.settings.providerHandlerFunctions)

Ordered list of functions to be performed by policy handlers in the provider role. It is highly recommended that the default list of functions NOT be changed with the exception of the 'custom' function. New functions can be inserted in any location.

Default: pre-auditing

Consumer Handler Functions (policy.framework.settings.consumerHandlerFunctions)

Ordered list of functions to be performed by policy handlers in the consumer role. It is highly recommended that the default list of functions NOT be changed with the exception of the 'custom' function. New functions can be inserted in any location.

Default: pre-auditing