Configuration for the Rhino Javascript engine
Set allowed java class instantiation. When unrestricted any Java class loaded in the current process can be instantiated from Javascript. To restrict to only specified packages and/or classes set this property to true. Changing this value requires a restart.
Default: false
List of java packages and/or classes that can be instantiated from Javascript in one delimited string. The format is full package names or full class names separated by a ';'. Changing this value requires a restart.
Restrict java class instantiation. When unrestricted any Java class loaded in the current process can be instantiated from Javascript. To prohibit loading of specific packages and/or classes set this property to true. Changing this value requires a restart.
Default: true
List of java packages and/or classes that cannot be instantiated from Javascript in one delimited string. The format is full package names or full class names separated by a ';'. Changing this value requires a restart.