Descriptor Object

For SOAP APIs only. Includes information about the WSDL that contains the technical details about the API version. For SOAP APIs, this is required in the request message when adding or updating an API version. Not used in response messages.

Requirements vary depending on the way you are providing the WSDL information:

  • File upload: If you uploaded the WSDL file, using the Dropbox API, only the WsdlId is required. The WsdlId is the Dropbox ID for the file you uploaded.
  • URL: If you provided a URL for the WSDL, you must provide the same URL here as well as the WsdlId.

Note: For information about using the Dropbox to upload a WSDL ZIP file, see POST /api/dropbox/wsdls.

This object is used by the following operations:

  • Operations that reference the APIVersion object
  • Operations that reference the TargetAPI object

The properties included in the Descriptor object are listed below.

Property Type Required Description
WsdlURL string Optional The URL for the WSDL that contains the technical details about this API version. Only applicable if a URL was used for the WSDL rather than a file upload.
WsdlId long Required Dropbox ID for the WSDL that contains the technical details about this API version. This ID is returned by the Dropbox API when you upload the WSDL file.