TargetAPI Object

Includes information about the target API—the destination endpoint, or next hop, defined when an API is using the platform as a proxy.

This object is used by the following operations:

  • Operations that reference the APIVersion object.

The properties included in the TargetAPI object are listed below. If the API is using the platform as a proxy, all values except endpoint details are required in the request. Endpoint details are managed with the PUT /api/apis/versions/{APIVersionID}/oauthdetails operation.

Property Type Description
Type string The type for the target API. Deprecated. For values, see API Types.
DefaultProfile string The default profile for the API version. This determines default media type values for request and response messages. In the user interface, the default profile is automatically used for new operations, although it can be changed.
DefaultInputContentType string Default content-type for request messages.
DefaultOutputContentType string Default content-type for response messages.
DefaultFaultContentType string Default content-type for both request and response messages.
Endpoints Endpoints Information about one or more endpoints for the target API (Sandbox, Production, or both).
Descriptor Descriptor

For SOAP APIs only. Includes information about the WSDL that contains the technical details about the API version. For SOAP APIs, this is required in the request message when adding or updating an API version. Not used in response messages.

Note: Depending on whether the API is SOAP-based or REST-based, either the Descriptor or the Operations parameter is required in request messages.

Operations Operations

REST APIs only: Includes information about one or more operations associated with an API, represented as an array. For REST APIs, this is required in the request message when adding or updating an API version.

Note: Depending on whether the API is SOAP-based or REST-based, either the Descriptor or the Operations parameter is required in request messages.


(Versions up to 2020.2.0)


Contains information about the policies assigned to an API version.

Note: In version 2020.2.0 and later, policies are not returned in the TargetAPI object. Policy information is returned in other properties as part of the APIVersion object.

ProductionEndpointOAuthDetails EndpointOAuthDetails OAuth details for the Live endpoint.
SandboxEndpointOAuthDetails EndpointOAuthDetails OAuth details for the Sandbox endpoint.
ProductionServiceKey string Service key for the Live implementation.
SandboxServiceKey string Service key for the Sandbox implementation.
APIBindings APIBindings Contains information about one or more API bindings for the implementation.
APIInterfaces APIInterfaces Contains information about one or more API interfaces.