Configuration for a directory on the filesystem to be published as a HTTP resource.
The HTTP context path. This is a servlet path spec.
The filesystem location of the resources to publish. This must point to a directory.
The application context for these resources. If omitted, '/' is used.
Mapping of additional suffixes to mimetypes. The value is a comma-separated string where each value has the form <mimetype>=<suffix><suffix>*. This is optional, a small set of defaults are pre-defined. The default is equivalent to 'text/css=css,text/html=htm html,text/javascript=js, text/plain=txt text,image/jpeg=jpeg jpg,image/png=png,image/tiff=tif tiff,application/json=json'
Any static headers to be included with responses. This is a comma-separated list of name-value pairs in the format <header name>=<header value>. This is useful to define cache control headers for example.