BusinessSettings Object

Contains information about the settings for a business on the platform.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the BusinessSettings object are listed below.

Property Type Description
BusinessAdminMemberWorkflowDefKey string The unique workflow definition key for the custom workflow for the resource, if a custom workflow for this resource type is in use.
BusinessAPISettings BusinessAPISettings Contains information about the settings to apply to all APIs within the business, unless specified otherwise at a lower level.
BusinessAppSettings BusinessAppSettings Default settings to apply to all apps within the business, unless specified otherwise at a lower level.
BusinessGroupSettings BusinessGroupSettings Default settings to apply to all groups within the business, unless specified otherwise at a lower level.
BusinessUserSettings BusinessUserSettings Default settings to apply to all users within the business.
TicketSettings TicketSettings Contains information about a business's settings in relation to tickets.
AlertSettings AlertSettings Contains information about the alert settings for the business.
ConnectionSettings ConnectionSettings Contains information about a business's settings in relation to connections (app/API contracts).
BusinessSecuritySettings BusinessSecuritySettings Contains information about the security settings for a business.
BusinessReviewSettings BusinessReviewSettings Contains information about default settings to apply to all reviews within the business.
BusinessDiscussionSettings BusinessDiscussionSettings Contains information about default settings to apply to all discussions within the business.
CommentSettings CommentSettings Contains information about default settings to apply to all comments within the business.
Settings Settings Contains information about general settings for a business, such as maximum image upload size.

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