BusinessUserSettings Object

Default settings to apply to all users within the business.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the BusinessUserSettings object are listed below.

Property Type Description
NewsUpdateNotification string Indicates whether news update notifications are supported for the business.
UserWorkflowDefKey string The unique workflow definition key for the custom workflow for users, if a custom workflow for users is in use.
EnforceChallengesSetupOnLogin string Indicates whether users are required to provide answers to security challenge questions when first logging in to the platform. Default: disabled. To require that users set up the security challenge questions, set to com.soa.feature.enabled.
SelfSignup string Determines whether unregistered users can sign up for the platform.
InviteUnregisteredUsers string Determines whether unregistered users can be invited to platform groups.
ResetValidCodeHours integer

The period, in hours, for which a password reset code is valid, that was generated as a result of a user initiating "forgot password."

Valid values: 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240. You can also set it to 0, and the code will never expire.

UpdateEmailValidCodeHours integer

The period, in hours, for which the update email confirmation code is valid, that was generated as a user initiating "change email."

Valid values: 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240. You can also set it to 0, and the code will never expire.

For more information about the process when a user initiates change of email address, see How do I change my email address? (Community Manager developer portal help).

SignupUserValidDays integer The period, in days, for which a signup code is valid that was generated as a result of a user signing himself/herself up for the platform. After that point, the code expires and the user must sign up again.
AddedUserValidDays integer The period, in days, for which a user registration code is valid that was generated as a result of the Site Admin adding the user. After this point the code expires.
InvitedUserValidDays integer The period, in days, for which an invitation code is valid that was generated as a result of a group/team member inviting someone to the group who is not a platform user. After this point the code expires.


Valid in version: 2020.1.0


The maximum number of APIs allowed on a user's API Watchlist (Top APIs list).

Default, and maximum allowable, is 10. If needed, you can set it to a lower number. Range: 1–10.

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