Data Types

The Akana OAuth API uses the data types listed below.

Type Description
boolean Primitive Java data type; if not required and not specified, defaults to false.
DateTime All date/time information in the Akana OAuth API uses the DateTime data type, with the Z suffix indicating that the time is represented in UTC. Example: 2014-01-30T09:30:10Z.

The duration of a request or response message is expressed with the Duration data type in the format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, with up to three decimal digits for milliseconds, where:

  • P indicates the period (required)
  • nY indicates the number of years
  • nM indicates the number of months
  • nD indicates the number of days
  • T indicates the start of a time section (required if you are going to specify hours, minutes, or seconds)
  • nH indicates the number of hours
  • nM indicates the number of minutes
  • nS indicates the number of seconds, including up to three positions after the decimal point for milliseconds. For example, a message response time of P0Y0M0DT0H0M0.022S indicates 22 milliseconds.
int Primitive Java data type; if not required and not specified, defaults to 0 (zero).
long Primitive Java data type. For example, PictureID for the image associated with a user.
string Primitive Java data type; if not required and not specified, defaults to null.