OAuth ClaimNamesMapping Object

Contains information about an OAuth error code and message.

The properties included in the ClaimNamesMapping object are listed below.

Property Type Description
SubjectClaimName string Optional. A custom claim name to be used for the subject. The default is the standard claim name: sub.
GivenNameClaimName string Optional. A custom claim name to be used for the "given name" claim. The default is the standard claim name: given_name.
LastNameClaimName string Optional. A custom claim name to be used for the "last name" claim. The default is family_name.
EmailClaimName string Optional. A custom claim name to be used for the email claim. The default is the standard claim name: email.
ScopeClaimName string Optional. A custom claim name to be used for the scope claim. The default is the standard claim name: scope.
GrantIDClaimName string Optional. A custom claim name to be used for the GrantID claim. The default is the standard claim name: grant_id.
ClientIDClaimName string Optional. A custom claim name to be used for the ClientID claim. The default is the standard claim name: client_id.
ResourceOwnerUIDClaimName string Optional. A custom claim name to be used for the resource owner UID claim. The default is the standard claim name: sub.