OAuth ResourceOwnerAuthenticationInstructions Object

Contains information about the instructions for authenticating an OAuth resource owner.

Used only in scenarios where multiple authentication domains are supported, to retrieve information about what information to ask the user for, or whether to redirect the user to a different URL.

This object is used by the following operations:

The properties included in the ResourceOwnerAuthenticationInstructions object are listed below.

Property Type Description
InstructionType string

The instruction type; must be one of the following:

  • RedirectToLoginURL
  • NeedCredentials
RedirectURL anyURI Used only if InstructionType is RedirectToLoginURL: The redirect URI.
IdentityAttributesNeeded string[ ] Used only if InstructionType is NeedCredentials: Indicates one or more user identity attributes that are needed for resource owner authentication; for example, username.
SecretAttributesNeeded string[ ] Used only if InstructionType is NeedCredentials: Indicates one or more user secret attributes that are needed for resource owner authentication; for example, password.