API Contract Management { http://soa.com/wsdl/contract/1.0 } APIContractAPI

The Contracts service provides operations for managing API access contracts in the Akana API Platform.

API Management Service { http://soa.com/wsdl/api/1.0 } ApiRESTApi

The APIs service provides a REST interface and a set of operations for managing APIs in the Akana API Platform. This API includes operations to support complete API lifecycle management, including creating and managing APIs and API versions, managing API OAuth details, managing legal agreements and the API Board, API monitoring and documentation, and relationships between APIs and apps.

Alert Management API { urn:com.soa.alert.admin } AlertService

The API used to report and manage alerts.

AlertAPI { urn:com.soa.apialert.service.impl } AlertAPI

The Alerts service provides operations that allow you to manage alerts on APIs, including adding, retrieving, and deleting alerts, commenting on an alert, and retrieving comments.

Application API { http://soa.com/wsdl/app/1.0 } ApplicationAPI

The Applications service provides a REST interface and a set of operations for managing apps in the Akana API Platform. This service includes operations to support complete app lifecycle management, including such activities as creating, modifying, and deleting apps and app versions, managing app teams, and creating, modifying, and deleting the app security mechanism.

Application Identity API { http://soa.com/wsdl/app/1.0 } ApplicationIdentityAPI

The application identity service provides access to the security artifcats for an API.

Asset Environment API { http://soa.com/wsdl/environment/1.0 } AssetEnvironmentAPI

The Asset Environment service provides operations for managing the promotion of assets to different environments.

Asset Graph API { urn:com.soa.assetgraph.api } AssetGraphAPI

The API for returning graphs of assets and their relationships to each other.

Asset Transformation API { urn:com.soa.laasaddon.api } AssetTransformerService

Asset transformation API

Audit Trail Management API { urn:com.soa.audit.admin } AuditTrailService

The API used to report and manage audit trails.

Board API { http://soa.com/wsdl/board/1.0 } BoardAPI

The Boards service provides operations for retrieving information about various Boards in the portal, such as the Board for an app, API, or group, or a user-defined board, the Forum (Site Admin, Business Admin, or API Admin only), or the Support Board for the business.

Business API { http://soa.com/wsdl/business/1.0 } BusinessAPI

The Businesses service provides operations for managing business information, including apps, APIs, workflows, and other information relating to a specific business on the platform. Note that most of these operations take the Business ID as a parameter. To find out what the Business ID is for your installation, you can run the GET /api/properties operation (TenantBusinessID parameter in the response).

Captcha Support API { urn:com.akana.captcha.api } CaptchaSupportAPI

The Capthca Support API provides backing services to allow captcha-style challenges.

Client Services API { http://soa.com/wsdl/clientservices/1.0 } ClientServicesAPI

The client services API includes operations to support app developers, and also Test Client, in preparing request messages with the values that the API needs, so that the requests are suitable for the API Security Policy that the API is using.

Console Resource API { http://soa.com/wsdl/consoleresource/1.0 } ConsoleResourceAPI

The Console Resource service provides operations that allow you to upload and manage platform resources such as platform CSS, customizable platform content pages, and platform help files. This service is used for any platform assets, stored in the /resources/ folder structure.

Container Configuration Data API { urn:com.soa.rest.services.container.configuration } ContainerConfigMgmt

This API is used to fetch container configuration information.

Container Management API { http://soa.com/uri/products/containerservice/wsdl/1.0 } ContainerManagerService

This API is used to manage PM service containers. Containers can be registered based on metadata documents. Containers may also be modifed or removed from the system. The API also provides read/write access to container metadata and container listener configuration. Information on services hosted by a specific container can be retrieved. To add or modify services other APIs can be used.

Container State Reporting API { http://soa.com/uri/products/ContainerStateService/wsdl/1.0 } ContainerStateREST

This API is used to report container state to Policy Manager.

Content API { http://soa.com/wsdl/content/1.0 } ContentAPI

The Content service provides operations for managing content associated with the platform, including adding, modifying, deleting, and retrieving. Content can include API documentation, legal agreements, artifacts for the API Downloads page, and site documentation.

Contract Management API { http://soa.com/uri/products/ContractsManager/wsdl/1.0 } ContractAdminService

The API used to manage PM contracts

Deployment Zone API { urn:com.soa.dz.api } DeploymentZoneAPI

The Deployment Zones service allows you to retrieve a list of deployment zones for the platform.

DiscussionAPI { urn:com.soa.discussion.service.impl } DiscussionAPI

The Discussions service provides operations for managing discussions about apps or APIs, including the associated comments and marks.

Domain (Identity System) Management API { http://soa.com/uri/products/domainadmin/wsdl/1.0 } DomainMgmtService

This API is used to manage PM security domains, or identity systems.

Dropbox API { urn:com.soa.dropbox.api } DropboxApi

The Dropbox service provides operations for uploading images to the Akana API Platform, to support operations that create or modify resources that might include an image, such as user profiles.

Environment API { http://soa.com/wsdl/environment/1.0 } EnvironmentAPI

The Environment service provides operations for finding information about the configured environments.

Event API { http://soa.com/wsdl/event/1.0 } EventAPI

The Event service allows events to be created in the system.

Exports Management Service { urn:com.soa.exports.remote.service } ExportsMgmtPortType

The API used to manage PM exports.

Federated Search API { urn:com.soa.atmosphere.search.api } FederatedSearchAPI

The federated search service provides a high-level search API.

Federation Members API { http://soa.com/wsdl/fedmember/1.0 } FederationMemberAPI

This API provides information about federation members.

Following API { http://soa.com/wsdl/follow/1.0 } FollowingAPI

The following API allows clients to query and manage following behavior.

GetMetadataService { http://soa.com/uri/products/metadataservice/wsdl/1.0 } GetMetadataService

Group API { http://soa.com/wsdl/group/1.0 } GroupAPI

The Groups service provides methods for managing groups in the Akana API Platform, including app teams, API Context Groups, and independent groups.

Index API { urn:com.soa.atmosphere.search.api } IndexAPI

The Search Index service provides an interface for managing the Elasticsearch feature in the Akana API Platform.

Index Administration API { urn:com.soa.atmosphere.search.api } IndexAdministrationAPI

Legals API { urn:com.soa.legals.api } LegalsAPI

The Legals service provides the ability to manage legal agreements in the Akana API Platform. Note that these operations are for managing legal agreements general to the platform, such as end-user license agreements. Operations relating to legal agreements for access to a specific API are part of the APIs service.

License API { urn:com.soa.license.api } LicenseAPI

The Licenses service provides operations for managing API licenses.

Login API { http://soa.com/wsdl/login/1.0 } LoginAPI

The Login service provides a REST interface and a set of operations that deal with logging in and out, including getting an authentication token, renewing an authorization token, and deleting an authorization token cookie. This API also includes interfaces to perform SSO login.

Metrics Collection API { urn:com.soa.monitor.usage.analytics.service } MetricCollector

This API is used to report metrics, audit, and transaction data.

Model Library API { urn:com.akana.model.api } ModelAPI

The Model Libary API allows provides access to the system model (schema) registry.

NotificationAPI { urn:com.soa.dbnotification.impl } NotificationAPI

The Notification service provides operations for managing Dashboard and email notifications.

OAuth Client API { urn:com.soa.devconsole.api } OAuthClientApi

This API provides the ability to manage tokens and artifacts associated with OAuth clients.

OAuth Client Provider API { http://soa.com/wsdl/app/1.0 } OAuthClientProviderAPI

This service provides access to OAuth client information.

OpenIDAPI { http://soa.com/wsdl/openid/1.0 } OpenIDAPI

Organization Management API { urn:com.soa.rest.services.orgmgmt } OrgMgmtREST

This API is used to manage PM organizations.

PasswordManagementAPI { urn:com.soa.passwordmanagement.service.impl } PasswordManagementAPI

The operations in the Password Management service, along with the POST /api/login/authenticateWithPasswordResetCode operation in the Login service, support resetting the user password.

Policy API { http://soa.com/wsdl/policy/1.0 } PolicyAPI

The Policies service supports managing the policies that govern API operation in the platform.

Policy Configuration API { urn:com.akana.policy.config.api } PolicyConfigurationAPI

The Policy Configuration API allows policies to be configured through the exchange of metadata and .

Policy Management API { urn:com.soa.rest.services.policy } PolicyAdmin

The API used to manage PM policies.

PortalSettingsAPI { urn:com.soa.userportal.api } PortalSettingsAPI

This service allows portal settings to be examined and modified.

Process API { urn:com.soa.rest.services.process } ProcessAPI

The API used to manage PM processes.

REST Service Information API { urn:com.soa.rest.services } RESTServiceInfoProvider

This API is used to get information about REST services

ReviewAPI { urn:com.soa.review.service.impl } ReviewAPI

Provides operations that allow you to manage reviews of apps, APIs, or groups on the platform, including creating, deleting, and listing reviews and marking reviews as helpful.

Role API { urn:com.soa.role.api } RoleAPI

The Roles API service provides operations for managing users in roles in a scope of a Resource(Business). Note: All of these operations take the Resouce ID as a parameter. For example Business ID. To find out what the Business ID is for your installation, you can run the GET /api/properties operation (TenantBusinessID parameter in the response).

Script Management API { urn:com.soa.rest.services.script } ScriptAdmin

The API used to manage PM scripts.

Search API { urn:com.soa.atmosphere.search.api } SearchAPI

The Search service provides an interface for performing searches in the Akana API Platform.

Security Domain API { urn:com.soa.securitydomain.api } SecurityDomainAPI

This API allows security domains to be queried and manipulated.

Service Asset API { urn:com.soa.apiportal.asset.api } ServiceAssetAPI

This API allows service assets to be managed.

Service Management API { http://soa.com/uri/products/serviceadmin/wsdl/1.0 } ServiceAdmin

The API used to manage PM services.

Tags API { urn:com.soa.tags.impl } TagsAPI

The Tags service includes operations that can be used to provide autocomplete help to users typing in the user interface.

Technology API { http://soa.com/wsdl/technology/1.0 } TechnologyAPI

Provides access to technology information.

Tenant Administration API { urn:com.soa.tenant.admin.api } TenantAdministrationAPI

The Tenant Administation service includes operations relating to managing settings for a platform tenant.

Tenant Creation API { urn:com.soa.tenant.admin.impl } TenantCreationAPI

A simple service that allows tenants to be created.

Tenant Management API { urn:com.soa.tenant.admin.impl } TenantManagementAPI

This API provides access to the tenant state and usage statistics.

Tenant Properties API { urn:com.soa.properties.api } PropertiesAPI

The Propeties service allows you to retrieve properties for your deployment.

Ticket API { http://soa.com/wsdl/ticket/1.0 } TicketAPI

The Tickets service provides operations for managing tickets about apps or APIs, including the ticket label and the associated comments and marks.

Topology API { http://akana.com/wsdl/lc/1.0 } TopologyAPI

This API provides operations to maintain topologies.

Trusted CA Management Service { http://soa.com/uri/products/pkiservice/wsdl/1.0 } TrustedCAServiceREST

This API is used to query and manipulate trusted certificates.

User API { http://soa.com/wsdl/user/1.0 } UserAPI

The Users service provides operations for managing users in the platform, such as adding, modifying, and deleting users and retrieving user information.

Workflow API { urn:com.soa.dnworkflow.api } WorkflowAPI

The operations in the Workflow service allow you to add, retrieve, manage, and delete custom workflows on the platform.