Upgrading Lifecycle Manager

This document includes instructions for upgrading Lifecycle Manager to the latest version.

Table of Contents

Upgrade instructions matrix

Use the table below to determine which upgrade method to use and which set of instructions to follow.

Note: The process for upgrading to Lifecycle Manager 8.0.2 and later required a completely fresh install, connecting to the existing database, rather than just upgrading the container. Because of this, you must follow this approach in upgrading to the latest version from any version prior to 8.0.2. If you're installing from version 8.0.2, you can just upgrade the containers.

If you're installing Lifecycle Manager for the first time, refer to Installing Lifecycle Manager.

Upgrade scenario Notes Upgrade documentation

8.0.6 to 2019.1.20

(Akana Platform 2019.1.11)

Upgrade by creating a new container and connecting to the existing database Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from 8.0.6 (create new container, connect to existing database)

8.0.2 to 8.0.3 or later

(Akana Platform 8.4.11)

Upgrade existing container Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 or later (upgrade existing container)

8.0 or 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 or later

(requires upgrade to Akana Platform 8.4.11)

Upgrade by creating a new container and connecting to the existing database Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from 8.0.0 or 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 or later (create new container, connect to existing database) (below)
7.1 to 8.0.2 or later Upgrade by creating a new container and connecting to the existing database Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from 7.1 to 8.0.2 or later
Versions earlier than 7.1 Requires incremental upgrade to 7.1

Readme file in the applicable installation ZIP file in the Rogue Wave Support Center:

https://library.roguewave.com My Resources > Product Downloads > Akana - Product Downloads.

Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from version 8.0.6 to 2019.1.20

Supported Akana Platform: 2019.1.11

Upgrading from 8.0.6 to 2019.1.20 requires creating a new container and connecting to an existing database.

2019.1.20 or later depends on Akana Platform 2019.1.11. To upgrade your Akana Platform, first back up, then perform a fresh install, and connect to an existing database.

Use the same procedure as when upgrading from 8.0 or 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 or later, which also requires creating a new container and connecting to an existing database. See Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from 8.0.0 or 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 or later, replacing the older versions with the current versions.

Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 or later (upgrade existing container)

Supported Akana Platform: 8.4.11

Upgrade from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 or later doesn't require a fresh install and reconnect to the existing database. Instead, you can just upgrade the existing containers.

Upgrade the existing container

The general steps for upgrading from version 8.0.2 to version 8.0.3 or later by upgrading the existing container are given below.

The Akana Platform provides an existing configurator container that, when invoked with an appropriate set of properties, upgrades the designated target container with the most recent feature bundles found in the [platform_home]/lib directory.

If you're running the Akana Platform on Windows or another desktop environment, you can simply start up the configurator container without any parameters/properties, and you will be presented with a GUI dialog to select the container that you want to upgrade.

For example:

c:\Akana\platform_home\bin\startup.bat configurator

If you are running the Akana Platform on Linux (without a desktop environment), or choosing a silent install on Windows, you'll need to create an update properties file, and then invoke the configurator container in silent mode while pointing to that file. The file must contain two properties:

  • container.instance.name, which corresponds to the container name being upgraded.
  • wizard.mode, with a value of update.

An example of an update properties file is shown below. This example is named update-lm.properties to reflect the name of the container being upgraded; choose whatever name you want.

[akana@lm-aap84x-16 ~]$ cat ~/update-lm.properties

First, download the ZIP file for the latest version, from the Rogue Wave Support Center (See Step 1: Gather ZIP files and download to the install folder).

Extract the new feature bundle to your Akana Platform home directory.

Get the feature bundle from the temporary directory in which you unzipped the Lifecycle Manager download file (See Step 2: Unzip installation files in the correct sequence, Step 3). Inside the main ZIP file, you'll see the main Lifecycle Manager file. For example: for example, lifecyclemanager_8.0.6.xxxxx.zip.

In the example below, the Akana Platform home directory is /opt/akana/aap84x:

[akana@lm-aap84x-16 ~]$ unzip lifecyclemanager_8.0.2.00302.zip -d /opt/akana/aap84x/
Archive:  lifecyclemanager_8.0.2.00302.zip
   creating: /opt/akana/aap84x/lib/lifecyclemanager_8.0.2.00302/
  inflating: /opt/akana/aap84x/lib/lifecyclemanager_8.0.2.00302/OpenSourceLicenses.txt

Before upgrading an existing container, make sure that it's stopped/not running. In the example below, the target container name is lm:

[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$ ./shutdown.sh lm
Instance [lm] PID [48181] stopped
[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$

If you don't see the above Instance [instance_name] PID [pid#] stopped message, use the typical OS commands to verify that the Java process had been shut down; with Linux, you'd typically use the ps command. The example below positively shows that there are no active Java processes running:

[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$ ps -ef | grep java
akana    48404 47755  0 15:27 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto java
[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$

Purge the existing configurator container's cache directory, otherwise the configurator container may use some older cached feature bundles:

[akana@lm-aap84x-16 ~]$ cd /opt/akana/aap84x/bin/
[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$ rm -rf /opt/akana/aap84x/instances/configurator/cache/*
[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$

Invoke the configurator container in silent mode while specifying the full path to the upgrade properties file, as shown below. This is identical to the process used to create the LM container during initial product installation.

[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$ ./startup.sh configurator -Dsilent=true -Dproperties=/home/akana/properties/update-lm.properties
Starting instance [configurator]
STARTED [35] bundle(s)
Beginning task: Completing wizard...
Creating snapshot...
Updated 38 bundle(s).
Updating "lm" instance directory...
Configuration Completed
STARTED [35] bundle(s)
[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$

Start the newly upgraded container. In this example, the container is started in the background via the -bg parameter:

[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$ ./startup.sh lm -bg
Starting instance [lm]
[akana@lm-aap84x-16 bin]$

That concludes the product upgrade.

Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from 8.0.0 or 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 or later (create new container, connect to existing database)

Supported Akana Platform: 8.4.11

Upgrade from 8.0.0 or 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 or later requires an upgrade from Akana Platform 8.2.3 to 8.4.11. To perform this upgrade, you must back up, perform a fresh install, and connect to the existing database.

At a high level, the steps are:

  1. Step 1: Back up existing installation and complete pre-install steps
  2. Step 2: Download ZIP files and install the Akana Platform and Lifecycle Manager, connecting to your existing database
  3. Step 3: Verify that the upgrade was successful
  4. Step 4: Complete post-install checks

Step 1: Back up existing installation and complete pre-install steps

Follow the steps below.

  1. Back up your database and the Lifecycle Manager application home directory.
  2. Record your current Lifecycle Manager application settings. You can do this by noting down the LM /admin console's Settings page values, and/or use the following database query:
    select * from installprops;
  3. Verify that there is enough free disk space on the application server:
    • volume for {platform_home} directories: 1GB
    • volume for /tmp directories: 500MB
    • volume for logs during upgrade: 125MB
  4. Verify that there is enough available space on the database tablespaces. There should be at least 15% free space in each Lifecycle Manager tablespace.
  5. App_%.log file locations when upgrading: because the LM logging configuration for the existing installation is stored in the database, the LM app logs still persist in the pre-defined location (typically in [lm_home]/logs/webapp). For this reason, when upgrading to LM 8.0 or later, the LM logging location from the previous installation version must still exist, so that any DataUpgrade entries are captured. After a successful upgrade, you can alter the logging configuration to adjust the location to the OSGi standard of [platform_home]/instances/[instance_name]/log.
  6. Conditional, certificate setup: When LM is using HTTPS (or is behind a front-facing device using HTTPS), and/or when LM needs to use LDAPS, or integrates with another system using certificates (such as the Akana Platform), those certificates must be trusted by the Akana Platform JRE's default trust store ({platform_home}/jre/lib/security/cacerts). Use the JRE keytool command to trust the various certificates, per the steps in Setting up LDAP over SSL in the Lifecycle Manager System Admin Guide.
  7. When you're ready to proceed, shut down the existing server.

Step 2: Download ZIP files and install the Akana Platform and Lifecycle Manager, connecting to your existing database

The only difference between a new install of Lifecycle Manager 8.0.2 or later and an upgrade from 8.0.0 or 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 or later is that when you're configuring the Lifecycle Manager feature for the database, you'll choose to use your existing database rather than creating a new database. In the upgrade scenario, you'll point to your existing Lifecycle Manager 8.0 database in Step 5 of the installation procedure.

Install Lifecycle Manager 8.0.2 or later with the Akana Platform 8.4.11.

For detailed instructions, including file download locations and which files to download, see Installing Lifecycle Manager.

Note: You will follow the Lifecycle Manager install guide up to the point of Step 5: Install and configure the Lifecycle Manager Feature. in this step, in the Database Wizard, you'll choose to use an existing database. At this point, provide the connection information to allow the connection to your existing database. Then, continue with the steps from the Lifecycle Manager install guide.

The feature list you'll install in Step 5 is identical for LM 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 or later.

The steps are summarized below:

  1. Step 1: Gather ZIP files and download to the install folder
  2. Step 2: Unzip installation files in the correct sequence
  3. Step 3: Run Configurator to configure Lifecycle Manager container
  4. Step 4: Start the Lifecycle Manager instance
  5. Step 5: Install and configure the Akana Lifecycle Manager Application feature

    Note: In this step, rather than creating a new database, you'll point to the database for your existing LM version.

  6. Step 6: Extract javaclients.zip file and specify the URL in the configuration settings
  7. Step 7: Update the Lifecycle Manager configuration settings
  8. Step 8: Create a Lifecycle Manager Library

Step 3: Verify that the upgrade was successful

  • Review the log files for any error messages.
  • Verify the upgrade by logging on to the Lifecycle Manager admin console:
    • http://{web.server.url.host}/{contextroot}/admin/mainMenu.do
    • Verify that the Build number is correct; for example, 2019.1.20.

Step 4: Complete post-install checks

  • Navigate to the LM /admin console, then verify and update any settings as appropriate.
  • Optional: If desired, execute the following command that reset window size and location settings to the system defaults. Run this command via the LM /admin console > Execute Command):
    Fully Qualified Command Class Name: ClearAllUserUIProperties
    Library:[choose each library]
    Click [Invoke]
  • Have each user upgrade the Repository Client (if it's installed) with the new version.

Upgrading Lifecycle Manager from 7.1 to 8.0.2 or later

These upgrade instructions are for a scenario where you have Lifecycle Manager 7.1 installed and are upgrading from Lifecycle Manager 7.1 to the latest version of Lifecycle Manager.

If you are upgrading from 7.1, you can use any of the 7.1.x micro releases (including 7.1.6). Unlike the rule to sequentially iterate through the major or minor version releases, there's no need to do the same for the micro releases (such as 7.1.x). Each micro release includes all the incremental changes you'll need.

You can also refer to the Install and System Admin Docs for more general Lifecycle Manager information. Lifecycle Manager documentation is available:

Upgrading from 7.1 to 8.0.2 or later requires a backup and then a fresh install of Lifecycle Manager. It includes the following steps:

  1. Step 1: Pre-Install Instructions
  2. Step 2: Install the upgrade
  3. Step 3: Verify that the upgrade was successful
  4. Step 4: Post-Install Instructions

Step 1: Pre-Install Instructions

  1. Back up your database and the Lifecycle Manager 7.1 application home directory.

    The LM 7.1 to 8.3 upgrade process is a migration to the LM 8.0 as a feature in the Akana Platform. You will follow the Lifecycle Manager 8.0 install guide up to the point of "Step 5: Install and configure the Lifecycle Manager Feature"; in this step, in the Database Wizard, you will choose to use an existing database. At this point, you will provide the relevant connection information to allow the connection to your existing database. You then continue with the steps from the Lifecycle Manager 8.0 install guide. For details, see Install the upgrade below.

  2. Record your current 7.1 application settings. You can do this by noting down the LM /admin console's Settings page values, and/or use the following database query:
    select * from installprops;
  3. Verify that there is enough free disk space on the application server:
    • volume for {platform_home} directories: 1GB
    • volume for /tmp directories: 500MB
    • volume for logs during upgrade: 125MB
  4. Verify that there is enough available space on the database tablespaces for a data upgrade:
    • There should be at least 15% free space in each Lifecycle Manager tablespace.
  5. Increase the number of application logs in your logging pool. Depending on the number of assets in your installation, the version 8.0 upgrade process doesn't contain any data upgrades, so there should be minimal log activity during the initial startup of the application. However, Akana typically recommends increasing the number of logs to at least 25. For details, refer to information about the Installation Admin command SetLoggingConfig in the Lifecycle Manager System Admin guide. After the upgrade, you can reset the number of logs in the pool to your steady-state operational level.
  6. App_%.log file locations when upgrading: as the LM 7.1 logging configuration is in the database, the LM app logs still persist in the pre-defined location (typically in [lm_home]/logs/webapp). Because of this, when installing Lifecycle Manager 8.0, the old LM 7.1 logging location directory must still exist, to ensure that any DataUpgrade entries are captured. After a successful upgrade, you can alter the logging configuration to adjust the location to the OSGi standard of [platform_home]/instances/[instance_name]/log.
  7. Conditional, certificate setup: When LM is using HTTPS (or is behind a front-facing device using HTTPS), and/or when LM needs to use LDAPS, or integrates with another system using certificates (such as the Akana Platform), those certificates must be trusted by the Akana Platform JRE's default trust store ({platform_home}/jre/lib/security/cacerts). Use the JRE keytool command to trust the various certificates, per the steps in Setting up LDAP over SSL in the Lifecycle Manager System Admin Guide.

Step 2: Install the upgrade

The only difference for the upgrade scenario is that when you're configuring the Lifecycle Manager feature for the database, you'll choose to use an existing database vs creating a new database. In the upgrade scenario, you'll point to your existing Lifecycle Manager 7.1 database.

The steps are summarized below:

  1. Step 1: Gather ZIP files and download to the install folder
  2. Step 2: Unzip installation files in the correct sequence
  3. Step 3: Run Configurator to configure Lifecycle Manager container
  4. Step 4: Start the Lifecycle Manager instance
  5. Step 5: Install and configure the Akana Lifecycle Manager Application feature.

    Note: In this step, rather than creating a new database, you'll point to the database for your existing LM version.

  6. Step 6: Extract javaclients.zip file and specify the URL in the configuration settings
  7. Step 7: Update the Lifecycle Manager configuration settings
  8. Step 8: Create a Lifecycle Manager Library

Step 3: Verify that the upgrade was successful

  • Review the log files for any error messages.
  • Verify the upgrade by logging on to the Lifecycle Manager admin console:
    • http://{web.server.url.host}/{contextroot}/admin/mainMenu.do
    • Verify that the Build number is 8.0.0.x.

Step 4: Post-Install Instructions

  • Navigate to the LM /admin console, then verify and update any settings as appropriate.
  • Execute the following command (via the LM /admin console > Execute Command):
    Fully Qualified Command Class Name: ClearAllUserUIProperties
    Library:[choose each library]
    Click [Invoke]
  • Have each user upgrade the Repository Client (if it's installed) with the 8.0 version.