Community Manager Notifications: API Admin/API Group

Information about email and Dashboard notifications in the Community Manager developer portal, for API admins and API groups.

Table of Contents

API Admin Notifications:

API Group Notifications:

API Admin Notifications

API Admin Invited (to Invited Person)


Notification Type
An API admin invites someone else to be an API admin for the same API
Recipients (1)
Only the person invited (existing API Admins for the same API receive a different notification).
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
{author.username} has invited you to be an API Administrator
Email Subject
You've been invited to be an API Administrator for {}
Email Body
<p>Hello from {},</p>
<p>{invitingmember.username} has invited you to be an API Administrator for the {} on {}.</p>
<p>Here's the message {invitingmember.username} wrote to you:</p>
<p>If you already have a {} account, click here {tenant.theme.console.address} to accept or reject your invitation. If you're not a member yet, please sign up at {tenant.theme.console.address}#/home/signup/{invitation.code} using your {} email address.</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
The {} Team</p>


From: acmepaymentscorp API Platform <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 5:42 PM
Subject: You've been invited to be an API Administrator for FAA_Airport_Status
Hello from acmepaymentscorp,
JaneSaoirse has invited you to be an API Administrator for the FAA_Airport_Status on acmepaymentscorp.
Here's the message JaneSaoirse wrote to you:
"Invite to be an API Admin for FAA_Airport_Status API."
If you already have a acmepaymentscorp account, click here to accept or reject your invitation. If you're not a member yet, please sign up at using your email address.
The acmepaymentscorp Team

API Admin Invited (to Existing API Admins)


Notification Type
An API admin invites someone else to be an API admin for the same API
Recipients (1+)
Existing API Admins for the same API (invited person receives a different notification)
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
{} has been invited to be an API Administrator
Email Subject
{} has been invited to be an API Administrator for {}
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Administrator,</p>
<p>A new member has been invited to accept an Administrator role for the {}. Please refer to the details below:</p>Member extending the invitation: {author.username}<br />
New member invited: {}</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
The {} Team</p>


From: acmepaymentscorp API Platform <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 5:44 PM
Subject: JonathanSwift has been invited to be an API Administrator for FAA_Airport_Status
Hi FAA_Airport_Status Administrator,
A new member has been invited to accept an Administrator role for the FAA_Airport_Status. Please refer to the details below:
Member extending the invitation: JenMead
New member invited: JonathanSwift
The acmepaymentscorp Team

API Admin: Invitation Resent (to Invited API Admin)


Notification Type
An API admin resends an invitation to be an API admin for the same API
Recipients (1)
Only the person invited. Could be a platform member or non-member.
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
{author.username} has resent your invitation to be an API Administrator
Email Subject
Reminder: You've been invited to be an API Administrator for {}
Email Body
<p>Hello from {},</p>
<p>This is a reminder that {invitingmember.username} has invited you to be an API Administrator for the {} on {}. Please follow the instructions below to accept or reject the invitation.</p>
<p>Here's the message {invitingmember.username} wrote to you:</p>
<p>If you already have a {} account, click here {tenant.theme.console.address} to accept or reject your invitation. If you're not a member yet, please sign up at {tenant.theme.console.address}#/home/signup/{invitation.code} using your {} email address.</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Admin Invitation Accepted


Notification Type
User accepts an invitation to be an API admin.
Recipients (1+)
All admins for the API (including the invited user who is now an API admin)
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
{invitedmember.username} has accepted an invitation to be an API Administrator
Email Subject
{invitedmember.username} has accepted an invitation to be an API Administrator
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Administrator,</p>
<p>{invitedmember.username} has accepted an invitation to be an Administrator for the {}.</p>
<p>Here''s what {invitedmember.username} had to say:</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Admin Invitation Rejected


Notification Type
User rejects an invitation to be an API admin.
Recipients (1+)
All admins for the API (not including the user who rejected)
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
{invitedmember.username} has rejected an invitation to be an API Administrator
Email Subject
{invitedmember.username} has rejected an invitation to be an API Administrator
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Administrator,</p>
<p>{invitedmember.username} has rejected an invitation to be an Administrator for the {}.</p>
<p>Here's what {invitedmember.username} had to say:</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Admin Removed (to Remaining API Admins)


Notification Type
API Admin is removed.
Recipients (1)
Removed API admin
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
You are no longer an Administrator for this API
Email Subject
You are no longer an Administrator for {}
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Member,</p>
<p>You've been removed from the Administrator role for the {}, by {author.username}.</p>
<p>Here's the message {author.username} wrote:</p>
<p>For further details, please visit your <a href="{tenant.theme.console.address}#/home/dashboard">Dashboard</a>.</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Admin Removed (to Remaining API Admins)


Notification Type
API Admin is removed.
Recipients (1+)
Remaining API admins (removed API admin gets a different notification).
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
{} is no longer an Administrator for this API
Email Subject
{} is no longer an Administrator for {}
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Administrator,</p>
<p>{} has been removed from the Administrator role for the {}, by {author.username}.</p>
<p>Here's the message {author.username} wrote:</p>
<p>For further details, please visit your <a href="{tenant.theme.console.address}#/home/dashboard">Dashboard</a>.</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Access Cancelled, API Deleted


Notification Type
An API is deleted.
Recipients (1+)
API Administrators, Private API Group members, members of any groups associated with the API
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
An API has been deleted
Email Subject
An API ({}) has been deleted
Email Body
<p>An API that you were associated with has been deleted. All access has been cancelled and all Administrator or Group Leader or Member roles associated with the API are no longer effective. Details:</p>
API Name: {} <br />
API Version: {api.version}<br />
Environment: {contract.environment}<br />
State Change: from {contract.oldstate} to {contract.state}.</p>
<p>This change was made by {author.username}</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group Notifications

API Group: Group Member Invited, to Invited Member


Notification Type
API Group leader or API administrator invites someone to join an API Group
Recipients (1)
Only the person invited. Could be a platform member or non-member (Group members and API administrator receive a different notification).
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
{author.username} has invited you to join the API Group {}
Email Subject
You've been invited to join an API group on {}
Email Body
<p>Hello from {},</p>
<p>{author.username} has invited you to join {}, an API Group on {}.</p>
<p>Here's the message {author.username} wrote to you:</p>
<p>If you already have a {} account, click here {tenant.theme.console.address} to accept or reject your invitation. If you're not a member yet, please sign up at {tenant.theme.console.address}#/home/signup/{invitation.code} using your {} email address.</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group Member Invited (API) (to Group)


Notification Type
API Group leader or API administrator invites someone to join an API Group
Recipients (1+)
API Group members and API administrator (invitee receives a different notification)
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
New member invited to the API Group {}
Email Subject
{} has been invited to join your API Group
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Member,</p>
<p>A new member has been invited to join your API Group. Please refer to the details below:</p>
<p>API Name: {}<br />
API Group: {}<br />
Member extending the invitation: {author.username}<br />
New member invited: {}</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group: Invitation Resent, to Invited Member


Notification Type
API Group leader or API administrator resends an invitation to join an API Group
Recipients (1)
Only the person invited. Could be a platform member or non-member.
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
{author.username} has resent your invitation to join the API Group {}
Email Subject
Reminder: You've been invited to join an API group on {}
Email Body
<p>Hello from {},</p>
<p>This is a reminder that {author.username} has invited you to join {}, an API Group on {}. Please follow the instructions below to accept or reject the invitation.</p>
<p>Here's the message {author.username} wrote to you:</p>
<p>If you already have a {} account, click here {tenant.theme.console.address} to accept or reject your invitation. If you're not a member yet, please sign up at {tenant.theme.console.address}#/home/signup/{invitation.code} using your {} email address.</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group Membership Invitation Accepted (API)


Notification Type
User accepts API group member invite.
Recipients (1+)
API group leaders and members (including the invited user), API administrators.
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
API Group {}: invitation accepted by {invitedmember.username}
Email Subject
{invitedmember.username} has joined your API Group
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Member,</p>
<p>{invitedmember.username} has accepted an invitation to be a member of your API Group. Please refer to the details below:</p>
<p>API Name: {}<br />
API Group: {}</p>
<p>Here's what {invitedmember.username} had to say:</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group Membership Invitation Rejected (API Group)


Notification Type
User rejects API group member invite
Recipients (1+)
API group leaders and members (not including the invited user), API administrators.
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
API Group {}: invitation rejected by {invitedmember.username}
Email Subject
{invitedmember.username} rejected a group invitation
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Member,</p>
<p>{invitedmember.username} has rejected an invitation to be a member of your API Group. Please refer to the details below:</p>
<p>API Name: {}<br />
API Group: {}</p>
<p>Here's what {invitedmember.username} had to say:</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group Member Removed (API) (to Removed Group Member)


Notification Type
API Group member is removed
Recipients (1)
Removed API Group member
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
You've been removed from the API Group {}
Email Subject
You've been removed from an API Group
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Member,</p>
<p>You've been removed from the API Group {} for the {}, by {author.username}.</p>
<p>Here's the message {author.username} wrote:</p>
<p>For further details, please visit your <a href="{tenant.theme.console.address}#/home/dashboard">Dashboard</a>.</p>
<p>For further information, please contact {author.username}.</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group Member Removed (API) (to Remaining Group)


Notification Type
API Group member is removed.
Recipients (1+)
API group leaders and members (except the removed group member, who receives a different notification), API administrators
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
API Group {}: member removed
Email Subject
A group member has been removed from your API Group {}
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Member,</p>
<p>{} has been removed from the API Group "{}" for the {}, by {author.username}.</p>
<p>Here's the message {author.username} wrote:</p>
<p>For further details, please visit your <a href="{tenant.theme.console.address}#/home/dashboard">Dashboard</a>.</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group Membership Role Changed (API)


Notification Type
API group leader or API administrator makes a group member a group leader, or makes a leader a group member.
Recipients (1+)
API group leaders and members, API administrators.
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
API Group {}: Role change
Email Subject
An API Group {} member has changed role
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Member,</p>
<p>A member of your API Group {} for {} has changed role. Please refer to the details below:</p>
<p>Member: {}<br />
Old role: {groupmembership.oldrole}<br />
New role: {groupmembership.role}</p>
<p>Note: An API Group can have more than one group leader.</p>
<p>This change was made by {author.username}.</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>

API Group: Group Deleted


Notification Type
API Group is deleted.
Recipients (1+)
API group leaders and members, API administrators.
Notification Category
Dashboard Subject
Dashboard Content
The group has been deleted
Email Subject
API Group {}: The group has been deleted
Email Body
<p>Hi {} Member,</p>
<p>An API group you were a member of, {}, has been deleted by {author.username}.</p>
<p>For further information, please contact {author.username}.</p>
<p>Happy Coding,<br />
The {} Team</p>