Using the Business Service Level Policy

Learn how to calculate service performance levels based on metrics in an Envision dataset.

For information about using policies in the context of the Community Manager developer portal, see Business Policies.

Table of Contents


The Business Service Level Policy is a QoS policy is used to calculate service performance levels based on metrics in an Envision dataset.

  • A policy is defined by selecting a dataset, dimension filters, and defining policy Rules and Access Intervals.
  • The policy is uses data collected by a Business Metrics Policy.
  • This policy works in conjunction with the Akana Envision product.

Business Service Level Policy Options

When you add a Business Service Level Policy you configure the service measurement and reporting configuration that will be referenced by services. The attributes you will configure include:

  • Business Service Level Policy Name and Description
  • Dataset
  • Dimension Filter
  • Business Service Level Policy Rules
  • Business Service Level Policy Access Intervals

Configuration Options

Policy Name and Description

The name and description you assign to the Business Service Level Policy.

Select Dataset

  • Used to select a dataset that consists of Metrics and Dimensions that the policy can report statistics for.

Select Dimensions

  • Allows you to define service level performance rules by configuring filters for Dimensions of the selected dataset.
  • For example, if you have a Shoe Sales dataset and would like to capture service level performance on a specific merchant you would select the Merchant dimension, and specify the merchant name as the filter.
  • To specify multiple filters, separate each entry with a comma.

Note: If you select a dimension, you must specify a value or values in the Filter field. Leaving the Filter field empty prevents data records from being selected.

Modify Business Service Level Rules

  • Allows you to define conditions to measure service level performance. When a Policy Manager system condition matches a defined rule, an alert is raised.

A Rule is composed of Rule Elements (Alert Code, Metric, Operator, Value, Aggregation, and Interval) that are configured to meet your service monitoring requirements. The list of available Metrics is based on the selected dataset. At least one rule must be defined per policy.

A rule is composed of the following elements:

Rule Element Description
Alert Code An identification number that represents the alert you would like to send when the defined condition is met. This value is manually entered into a text box.

A measurable function (such as a Response Time) that is used in the rule calculation.

Note: The Total metric options add up the combined size of all the message payload over the time period.

Operator A symbol that represents a mathematical function (<=, >=, etc.) used to limit or expand your search to qualify the metric.
Value A numerical value that establishes the threshold of the metric. This value is manually entered into a text box.
Aggregation A Unit is the unit measure by which the value is counted.
Interval Time interval over which the rule is measured.

Modify Business Service Level Policy Access Time

Allows you to define one or more Access Days (Sunday through Saturday). Each Access Day is configured with an Access Time that can represent one complete day (All Day) or a date range (Range) that is specified using a 24-hour clock format (HH:MM).


  • Available SLA Custom Alert Codes are selectable from the drop-down list box on the Alert Code field.
  • You can also enter a new SLA Custom Alert Code directly into the Service Level Policy Rule line item.
  • For more information on adding a new alert code, refer to Alert Codes.

Activating a policy

When you create and configure a policy, the policy is in Draft state. When the policy configuration is complete, activate the policy: click Activate Policy and then confirm. See Activate a Policy.

A policy in Draft state is not available for general use. Once you activate the policy, it is in Active state and is available for use.

Attaching a policy

To use the policy, go to the Policies folder in the respective organization and attach the policy to a web service, binding, or binding operation.

Business Service Level Policy Use Case

Refer to the policy use case for a walk-through tutorial on adding and configuring a Business Service Level Policy.